work for the money?

not many of us have the privilege of having a job that we really enjoy. i think all can agree that, especially in these times, the labour supply exceeds the number of jobs available. as a result, if you want a job, you have to be an opportunist i.e. cannot be choosy. money is not everything but basic necessities are not free.

most of us just work to cari makan. which is why we are compensated with money. you work hard so that you have money to do cool things.

i save up money because i have a passion for travelling. it is just something that is convenient when you are young and unmarried. it takes a long time to save enough. but then again not everyone can suka suka take leave anyway.
what it really means is to really be adept in whatever you do, and when it does, shit can work with you or against you.
Idea make money.


Look at yourself ? what is your special, it can be anything u want to be.
As long it legal and clean.

Plan yourself, don't be people slave for the rest of your life.
Think start now look for certain thing that u love to do.
So do it wisely. make it become skill.
Always turn the chance to skill when u have opportunity given.

Turn your mindset to make money not to earn money.
Earn money work for 12 hours just being paid $40.00 dollars that called bullshit

For example I learn mechanical engineering in 1980s now i m super skilled run my own business. take the bitter first then u got some sweety.

Skill Skill Skill look for it create it. your life u plan it the pain u feel it. one body one soul one god. that it son. may some day u successful Amen

Good luck.
I believe in making money work for me, instead of working for money.

There are so many ways to do it, actually. The possibilities are endless, really. It's just that people don't dare/don't want to try and end up in a fabricated rat race.

It's capitalist, boys. Only money talks!

But then again, if you don't do what you want or love, you'll just end up wasting your life.