whut do you do during soundchecks??

plug in ur instruments and make sure everyone's sound is equal and levelled.then test vocals.watever u want and need tell the sound man.make sure vocals can be heard.and the guitars arnt too loud.thats all for a decent soundcheck.
if you are using efx pedals, remember to check the volume of the pedals when they are turned on, and balance it. You wouldn't want a sudden spike in the volume when you step on the distortion pedal.

and like someone mentioned earlier, the vocals. Please guitars should not be louder than the vocalist, unless the vocalist cannot sing.
u sure abt that?

the soundman can MAKE or BREAK a band.

trust me on this.

u want to get into a soundman/soundwoman's good books.... if not.... u'll suffer
Start first with all the band members OFF the stage except the one who is checking.Once you have everything up and sounding good individually get the band up and build a mix, usually starting with bass and drums but ensuring that everything sits under the vocals. This can cause friction when you (usually) have to ask the guitar player to turn his amp down becasue the unmiked sound of the guitar amp is louder than the PA.
well the best thing to do when multiple bands are playing, is to bring ur own goddamned amp down, every1 else always plays with the eq & volume between the soundcheck and the actual performance, always pisses me off
this is actually a very useful thread guys...

my experience with sound check is always

everyone plug in ... jam a song.
adjust levels..
jam again... adjust...

then, monitor no sound...
jam again... adjust..
monitor still too soft.. drummer drowning us out..
tell soundman ... try again... jam... monitor still no sound..

give up.
sound check is over.
my few cent worth of points on sound check:

1) check individual tone, bass/mid/treb/loudness on both ur amp and monitor

2) play a riff wif the highest/lowest note that u will play for the gig inorder to noe if u are in the "correct/ radio frenly range" u won't want to be too bassy whn u play at low notes same for high key ain't too sharp.

3) Band plays a song w/o vocal, lettin the sound eng do the leveling of ur instrumentals. at this point. listen/observe at ur monitor. Make Sure u hear EVERYONE. and check if any instrucment is too bassy/middish/trebblish/loud/soft/or even not there.

4) vocal starts to sing whn instrucments are done. listen to the monitor and make sure u dun have the music behind and vocal too far infront. ( the typical karaoke tone) should be well blend of vocal n music. {sound eng's job}

oways try to listen to ur monitor and hear if its it ok and wat u want.
in big areas ppl can hardly hear ur amps so the only hear the PA speakers. the signal should be almost the same from the monitor.

my few cent worth of comments.

PLEASE do not give unconstructive comments about my post.
i'll value ur constructive comments if u have. but not comments unconstructive issue.

i might not be near 70percent correct/perfect so if i'm wrong somewhere do let me noe.
What we do is plug and play....make nice with the sound guy and PRAY ON BENDED KNEES...that he wont f*** *p our sound on the night...either purposely or through sheer incompetance. kena so many bad soundmen over the years I already give up la... having said that then again they are some truly great sound folk out there e.g ppl like Shah Tahir & the Boon Crew, the Esplanade venues, etc even Naughty Girl's Sound club soundman was good and knew what he was doing.

2 cents worth...
yup ditto on the esplanade crew.

did a gig at recital studio.
the crew was very very professional. Could hear myself,the whole band and vocals loud and clear through my monitors.. levels were adjusted very well too.

open air gigs however... abit harder to control the sound...
yeah alot of nice ppl out there,

but not to forget that there are those who aren't.

at the end of the day,
if u're .... u will be rem and not forgotten.
and u lose job and get condemn.

so learn to be nice.

every is nice. ~
Just to add my additional 2 cents worth to the mix...I've also seen nice and really good sound crews and bands with super f***** up attitude. It takes two hands to clap so be kind to yr sound guy... and vice versa..

peace 8)

Most gig venues, it's just the band and 1 sound man but sound check at Esplanade's a breeze cos they had techs on stage just for stage sound :)

This is a interesting topic and I'd love to know how other bands soundcheck too!

My band usually have the drums and bass balanced before the guitars come into the mix. Once we're happy with our own settings, we play a short song with vocals on stage to check the stage sound. At venues like Youth Park, we'll try to get off stage and play a song facing the stage to get a feel of how it sounds for the gig goers and fine tune from there.

One thing I notice is that some bands tend to take soundcheck a chance to show off their individual skills by playing some serious solos etc. It'll be good to play if your set has those solos or require that kind of guitar tone. It's still the best to save time and play what's on your set list to get your tone right. e.g: No point playing Metallica during sound check when you have to reset all settings to play an alternative set.