come to School Of MM in sp...hell lot of musicians...almost every class has 1 fella who plays the guitar.. especially DME...ha..i wud be DME/2B dis coming sem..any1 else in DME?
SP people, i need help. heartrock jst pass me a couple of flyers and posters to pass around in SP> can u guys from the respective schools help to get posters from me and paste at ur school?? can can?
come to School Of MM in sp...hell lot of musicians...almost every class has 1 fella who plays the guitar.. especially DME...ha..i wud be DME/2B dis coming sem..any1 else in DME?
ok, whoever wants to help heartrock with the posters and flyers to paste and fly around ur poly, pls pm me ur number. i call u and see if we can arrange something? thanks guys.
i've got a lot of posters and flyers, rnd 40 posters and 500 flyers. gonna do poly and the penin guitar hub and would love to have all the help i can get.