RG2820!!! Ur in Mechatronics!!!!
HAHAHAHA!!! I'd say!! Welcome aboard!!
As an Alumni and a Graduate from Mechatronics, we open our long long arms to welcome you into our prestigious course. :lol:
As an undergraduate, U'll be expecting a lot of "hair-pulling" scenarios from ur fellow classmates and yourself when doing the Engineering Mathematics I and II module. Please feel free to consult our lovely hair consultant in case u r in need of hair treatment..
In case U like to be dirty, our practical workshops are fully equipped with the latest machinery waiting to be dirtied while the students are doing their projects and such.
Our EMDS modules are the most famous and notorious subject a human being could ever encounter. Be prepared for countless of power trips if ur were to accidentally insert a power connector to the wrong socket.
In your final year, U will be given a choice to choose between Machine Vision and Fuzzy Logic as ur core module for ur final project. And we are not talking about any Fuzz Tones pedals over here, in fact the Fuzzy Logic option will make U so fuzzy, by the second week U'll be talking gibberish :wink: after U emerge out from the labs..
Hope that U are prepared for the RIDE of your life and remember to bring lots and lots of AXE oil to class... :lol: