White spots


New member
Hi there,
I noticed some white spot on my guitar neck. I tried to clean it with the dunlop fingerboard 02 solution but the white spots reamain there. what is that white spot and how to get rid of it?
What colour, wood type is your guitar/guitarneck? Do you know what coating it has? Which part of the neck exactly? What is your guitar exactly? You said you used fingerboard solution so I guess its on the fingerboard, but more information could help us to help you.

But you will get answers saying that spots and dings from daily usage and playing is good, and I agree with that. However say your roof is leaking Sodium Hydroxide onto your guitar and causing the spots then that is not a very good thing for you nor your musical instrument.
u can upload it using the control panel, u can see it when u r typing your message ... click the yellow icon , (there is mountain and sun).. but firstly u have to upload the pics to the net .. via any web that providing it like imageshared etc.. than copy your image Url and paste it to the insert image yellow icon
Its those spots near the sound hole
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those white spots...are they like "added" there or ur fingerboard is chipped off?

It happen naturally. If you see ur fingerboard up close u can see that there some fine line/grain on the wood. Thats where this white spots are. And its on a few frets near the sound hole