which way is the best for picking?


New member
just want to know your preference on picking, do you rest your right hand pinky on the pick guard to provide a pivoting point while doing speed picking or hovers your right hand over the strings.

wanna know which is a better technique for picking, I personnally need to rest my pinky on the guitar as a form of support and referencing point.
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On 2003-07-04 09:10, subversion wrote:

depends- sometimes i do that too. most of the time, it´s at the bridge area damping the strings.


I don´t rest my palm on the bridge because it will severely reduce my speed, I only do that when wanting to create a muffling effect
yup that´s what i do too- to muffle/ dampen/ chug. it´s all about palm placement. try to use your picking hand´s palm to control nwanted noises from idle strings. i used to find this difficult but now it´s a norm. i can´t place my picking hand too far away from the strings, i´m using it as a muting tool. i guess it´s sheer personal technique/ peculiarity