Which Singapore IDOL do u like? Taufik, Hardi or Sezairi


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Sorry, hope got their names rite.

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Hardi? You mean Hadi Mirza?

Personally, my number one favourite will always be Mathilda de Silva. I still feel she was a superior singer...
why are all three of them malay? not racist or anything so don't be quick to judge but it's a trend haha Young Malay Males that do RnB songs.
why are all three of them malay? not racist or anything so don't be quick to judge but it's a trend haha Young Malay Males that do RnB songs.

I believe your first line was already discriminating. Talent should not be segregated by race, language or religion. What does all 3 being malay have to do with anything? They got the votes,so they won fairly, trend or no trend.

This is just on an entertainment level. Which seems to be bothering a lot of non-malays here, from what Ive noticed.

Malays won, big deal. Its not going to change anything. They are still a minority. Who happened to win and win and win. But them winning are not being accepted by the majority races in this country. The green eye?

Its like saying, why Singapore got so many Chinese? not being racist or anything so dont be quick to judge. But its a trend.
omg...here we go again...better lock this thread before it got to do with malay or whatever issues...

so irreponsible

everything talk about the singapore idol always got to do with the malay culture.
you know how much i got irritate by it day by day..
talk about singapore idol only people keep wondering y the past 3 S.I all the winner is malay
Didnt know our fellow softies is that narrowminded too. I thought only forums like HWZ , Mediacorp or Stomp have them... :(
Well it's just quite typical, they don't go looking for something different. Doesn't have to be a chinese, malay or indian. No females have won as well , that doesn't make it sexist does it?

Lets face it, most of you really need to realize that no one cares about racial segregation. You just take every opportunity to pounce onto something controversial and try acting like little Martin Luther Kings haha.

It's 2010, not 1960 anymore ladies.

wat if all the winners are chinese?? will you shut up then?

well no, cause then it'll still be the same thing. 3 similar characters winning the s'idol. They're not looking for talent but rather someone they can make the most money out of.
well no, cause then it'll still be the same thing. 3 similar characters winning the s'idol. They're not looking for talent but rather someone they can make the most money out of.

So you're saying the votes were rigged, which sounds completely stupid and ludicrous?
among 3 of them, i prefer Hadi. my mum goes "Ga-ga" all over him. haha


not to be racist or wad, why a lot of people keep on saying "why all 3 S.I. are all malay?"

you should not think this way.

talent is not judge by race,color or wad.

its based on talent itself.

some more, they played fair rite? they didnt bribe people or wad. its the audience decision.

so stop saying racist things of why all of the winners are malay. its becoz of their singing talent that had made them the winner of singapore idol.
Well Ris Low did win Miss Singapore by selling the most tables at the dinner. I wonder how much did the handphone bill cost haha.
To the post above the post above this.

Firstly talking about fair, the entire competition be it SG idol, American idol whatsoever cannot be fair to begin with

Reason being everything is subjective. I think A sings pro you think A sucks, i think B sucks you think B rocks.

Hence they base on majority to 'solve' this problem. Majority of the people like A so A wins, but what if A just happened to have more friends who are supportive?

Thus the idea of SG idol being a popularity contest so lets not even start calling it FAIR to start off.
So you're saying the votes were rigged, which sounds completely stupid and ludicrous?

Look, I don't wanna insult you so don't give me a reason to. Besides, votes don't have to be rigged, we all know who's bills are gonna sky rocket this month but if that's the price of fame then so be it. I'm just saying that it's become a cliche and that we need a different idol.

Imagine if three chinese pop personalities won? That would be damn annoying right. We've had enough of Taufik, Hadi was slightly better but I think we need a different type of Idol.

Take American idol for example, they've got variety.

People like you make me sick, you're so naive and you see things the way you want to see it, maybe you're a racist deep down inside. I know the truth hurts so don't bother with a rebuttal.

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