which les paul?


New member
yeah i know burny is available over yamaha stores. yeah juz wanna know more les paul copies available. my budget is around 1.5k plus minus. anyway if im not wrong tokai ALC 45 is made out of plywood (one thing i like is bolt on neck, i kinda hate set neck ). yeah after reading the reviews, was kinda suprise actually, where can try this model of guitars ar? which store brings them in? davis? hmm . . . u know i actually heard and seen several neck problems on tokai forum. and tat model its made in jap, im really worry if i order from ishibashi i might face the same situation, u know a set neck, its really "set" if its isnt glued properly, it hard/impossible to fix it isnt it? hmm maybe im wrong then. hmm

so yamaha sells burny
where else bring in tokai? davis seems abit little, guitar77 not too sure think i saw one or something.
how about orville,heritage and such?

hmm actually i prefer faded + plaintop then those normal glossy + flame top hehe
i saw it in the catalouge, hmm maybe im wrong i will check again now

anyway how come at ishibashi burny rlc 45 only 600, sg list price 800++? hmm maybe then its lsit price. yamaha have them right? can request for them to get new stock :D dun like display :oops:
wangdexian said:
Where did you hear that from? 8O

here is the pix where i saw it


its abit blur but can make out tat it wrote there body/plywood, and over alc 45 its say specification shown as above or something like tat tat means tat alc 45 specs and alc 53 specs is the same except those stuff they listed there
yo classics,

ALC 45 if i am not wrong is made in korea. if you have 1.5K why dont get the MIJ LS75? Have you tried? IMO it's better.

heritage you can get from Guitar77.

If you don't mind 2nd hand, you can get MIJ Burny, Orville by Gibson from www.orangeguitar.com. this shop is not overseas, it's run by a local guy, you can go to his website and contact him. i think all his pieces are within your budget.

New piece of Burny as mentioned is found in Yamaha. But are made in Korea.

I have tried all the guitar above. IMO the Orville by Gibson is the most lovable. Then again, one man's food is another's poison. The best is you try all of them and decide yourself lah. Happy shopping! :)
yamaha burny pricing is really shocking, today i went and check. it was 900 when ishibashi sells the excalt same model for 540 -_- well i think yamaha do give 20% discount off for members right? hmm . . . actually i will really like to get a ls75 or even 85? the price i seen is over ishibashi yeah maybe its abit more X over here which i suppose so. yeah im also actually interested in the f hole semi follow telecaster ahaha :lol: oh yeah too schether c-1. ahaha the more guitar i see the more guitar i felt in love with :lol:
yeah i will lvoe to get tat too, but yamaha sells so X its like doubled the price omg, i thinking of ordering from ishibashi from the guy orgnasing the Mo on dec - jan
I love the ST-1000... It's a very nice Strat for USD300... But Forex and shipping will never fail to screw us... :cry:

Personal feelings aside, the AL3000M Prestige and AL3500 are damn nice. They have ebony fretboards, and a pre-cut graphite nut is included as well, in case you want to replace the bone nut... It's a good deal, right? :wink:

There is a spec sheet, here it is:
haha yeah man. but i dont think they bring RLG-45Z. only RLC and the normal RLG-45. just pickup difference though...

yeah its better to MO.
Yes... But it's still an alternative, right? :wink:

Quite a lot of brands offer good LP and Strat copies in the US at a good price...

But must contact them and ask if they accept international orders... For their Agile guitars...
A lot of users on the Ultimate Guitar forums have praises for the Agile LP copies, though I haven't heard or tried out one personally...........
wow! couldn't lift my eyes from the Agile AL3000 Zebra top model. sweeeet. to me at least...think will ask them if they ship it here...