Which are the basses or pedals you regretted selling?

i dont really regret selling stuff because i have usually replaced them with something more bad ass... maybe i regret selling my LS2 because it was in perfect condition and i got it cheap. but honestly, i dont really have a use for it.

i kind of regret selling my capricorn. i have a C+ that's on the way which i ordered before zvex announced their vextron series... the mastotron is not really impressing me, but the distortron is something.

as for basses, i dont think i will ever sell my aerodyne. it plays and looks so much more than what i paid for and it's discontinued, so i prob wont get it back if i sell it. besides, i currently only have 1 bass in my armoury, i would only get a bass as an addition and not a replacement
eh RR: did you buy that yellow kubicki from Kevin a.k.a 3notesAbar? .. cos i remembered he had one the same colour too .. hahaha ..

that's mine. i bought and shipped it from usa. there was a time when we did some basswhoring and before u know it, bro 3notes went out of his way to ask my bass out on a date. she ended up with ken though, then zainal, then off to HK then back into the states.
i regret selling my musicman stingray, damn, the seasoned alnico pickups is bloody warm n nice, still kickin myself for selling it, gotta buy another one in near future :P

I regret selling my Status T-Bass and trading away my Warwick Streamer LX IV. But not complaining about the Fender Walnut Jazz I got out of the trade though. =p


Status T-Bass in the middle


The unique headstock profile of the Status


UK-made Hyperactive Pickups


Warwick Streamer LX with my favourite PU configuration (DISCONTINUED!!!)
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i just sold my Sadowsky preamp to get an Aguilar Tone Hammer, and so far i'm impressed. just hope it delivers as well as the Sadowsky in a band setting.