Where's a good place to get a bass set-up / repaired?

Most strap-pins are screws.

Break off a small part of the tooth pick den put it in
ie. so dat the toothpick doesnt stick out, or is too tight...
this usually works ...

If you find that this doesnt help,
take a piece of tissue patter and roll it with ur fingers.
cut the amount you need, den put it in the strapin hole ...
if it is still loose ...
just repeat with the tissue paper until it is tight

Since you say ur's is "damn loose" ... try the toothpick 1st~
Use a powered screwdriver or a drill set with the screw driver bit to screw it in.

I had the same problem as u last time until my friend help me with that.

Hope that it works for u too! =)
haha. i dont have a drill. i used the toothpick method. it works perfectly fine. thanks anyway though!