Where To Get Gear In The SG??


New member
I can't believe that some people in this forum actually own Zons(NEVER IN MY LIFE I THOUGHT A SINGAPOREAN CAN HAVE A ZO 8O N) , (multiple) GIBSON Thunderbirds, Alembics, Rics, VINTAGE Fenders Etc.

Some claim they got them 2nd hand. But WHERE?? Can you guys tell me where to get what?

The only shops i know of are Swee Lee, Yamaha, Luthermusic and Davis. And um, to tell you the truth, all of them damn ex. The gear i mean. And they aso don't have much choices. :roll:

Tell me some places you get your basses. Don't just name shops, tell me what kind of gear they carry. And tell me where you guys get your 2nd hand stuff too. And ouh, NAME PRICES. Thanks. :lol:

You guys know where to get good bass lessons? I don't want yamaha ar.

And where to do bass modifications? Who knows where there is a good Bass Technician?
I know! WTH! I wish i had the cash now. That is like a once in a lifetime offer! Imagine having a Zon Sonus as my firsr bass. Yes. FIRST.
WAHHH!!! Zon Sonus, Peavey Circus. Zvex Woolly Mammoth aso have sia!!! All good prices.

Hey cherns! I remember you from talkbass. You're the one that used to own a sadowsky right??

little red dot sells nord pickups right?? When are ya'll gonna start carrying EMGs?

Don't get me wrong. Nord kicks ass!!
Hey there - yeah, but it's no longer with me. I couldn't find the "magic" in it :p

I don't carry stuff i don't use, and I don't use EMG's. But if you're looking for them, Davis is the SG dealer.

And you're right - Nords do kick ass. That's why I don't use anything else ;)
you'll be surprised to find out what kind of gear singaporeans have man .. there are much more rare stuff around in SG than you think there is ... crazy people go overseas . buy them .. bring them back .. other crazy people like cherns .. =P .. ship them in and sell them ..

nice people bring in nice stuff ... why need music stores when you have such nice people like that .. hahahah
Yea, im kinda shocked to see Singaporeans having multiple basses.
Davis is the SG dealer for EMG?? I thought only for Seymour Pickups?

Just curious, any Singaporeans own a Dingwall Afterburner1 or a G&L ASAT??

Hmm, how do you guys tackle the "Inflated (due to shipping) prices" problem??
haha, yeah many people in SG with good gear. Pops up once in occassionally on the luther site... all at the perfect time---- when i cant afford it. haha.

Anyway, ALiP_BoB, what gear do u use yourself?
I got none. Yea, somebody slap me.:smt051

And what is this "luther site" you softies keep talking about?? Luthermusic classifieds izzit??
Yeah, Luther classifieds.

How do you practice and all then? You loaned a bass? What are you hoping to get if you had the cash? I'm hoping my next bass would be a p-bass A.Deluxe 5...when i have the cash that is - and can find one here.
How i practice? Go jamming lah. But i suck so much at bass that i bring the word "suck" to a whole new lower level. Hoping to get lessons soon.

And a new bass of course. What i plan to get ah?
Well, my GASlist is longer than PIE. Hahahaha

I still dunnoe i wanna use 4 or 5 string.

I tell you the 1st set of gear i hoping to get.
Bass:Yamaha BB415
Amp:Peavey Microbass
Effects: Sansamp Paradriver, Korg AX3000B

If that cannot ah, i just get an SX and modify anyhow until like Michael Jackson.

Uh, my can NEVER get wishlist
Bass: Dingwall Afterburner I, G&L ASAT/L2000/2500, Sadowsky Metro Modern, EBMM Stingray 5, EBMM Stealth Bongo5, Lakland 55-02, Yamaha TRB1005, Peavey Cirrus, An Oly White Fender P-Bass wif black pickguard.

Uh, others cannot remember ah. This one on top of my list.

my effects wishlist:
Fulltone Bassdrive, EHX Small Stone, EHX Small Clone, Boss BF2 Flanger, Weeping Demon Wah, Emma DiscumBOBulator, Zvex Wooly Mammoth, EBS Everything, Prunes and Custard, Akai Deep Impact.

If i write my amp wishlist, i cannot sleep tonight.

Fender Deluxe P? Yea i know, at Swee Lee right?? But in my opinion, the pricetag on that thing is NUTS! it's like almost twice of what it should be.
Think carefully la. See if you go lobang2 find a cheaper one.

i don't usually talk so singlish but in my opinion, this is what makes SOFT bloody funny and fun. LOL
Got myself a BTB1206ENTF through Luther.......nice bass though...can be tweaked to sound like a Jazz, P and even maybe a Stingray