where to get cds in KL?


New member
hi all....first time posting here....have a burning question to ask....where is a good place to get good music in KL? erm...i remember there used to be this small shop called music magik at the central mall near the mrt station where i visited once and got loads of metal, doom, and indie stuff. not talking about your atreyu or as i lay dying stuff...but bands like electric wizards, bardo pond etc. that was about 2 years ago. the shop is no longer there...and i have no idea where else is a good store to check out music/ local bands.

any directions is appreciated....i dont head up north that frequently, but when i do, i like to get a new stash of music to feed on.
for maaettuuul i know Campbell Complex (in vicinty of Sogo) got 2 shops with quite a lotta stuff, more like BM, death, grind. on 2nd floor or 1st floor depending on whether they start w Ground floor hahah cant recall..........

But the Annexe at Central Market got the Ricecooker shop.............


they specialise in more punk, hardcore, DIY stuff...........

Theres a Tower at KLCC basement, big place but selection is crap hahaha nuthin to buy.......

thats all i know....never been Music Magick damn.........now its gone
Hi 5for125!
Welcome to Soft! :D

Ok, here's an e-mail i got from a friend in KL when i was looking for shops there. I've edited the unnecessary details though. Hope it helps. The shops at Campbell and Pertama are the best for metal. But one of the shops, i can't remember which one, sells "fake" old skool metal/thrash/speed CDs! (Destruction, Voivod, Flotsam & Jetsam, Sodom) Those reprinted/burned by themselves. (Like the Ah-Pek shop in Queensway ages ago!) And the ah-soh told me it was from a distro in S'pore, "so the quality is good"! Hahahahahha...

Joe Kidd's shop (Ricecooker) mainly sells punk/indie labels (d.i.y. stuff from Malaysia) and local fanzines, T-shirts. I love the vibe of the shop. But Joe Kidd wasn't around when i was there...

Ok here's the direction from the mail:
"emmm, puduraya still got cd shop but shifted to new places but still inside puduraya lah, you can visit Joe Kidd's Ricecooker shop in Annexe, Central Market, lotsa indie stuff but for those infectious maggots or other "orang tua" bands thingy a bit susah sket lah, sudah pupus lah, if you manage to meet joe at the shop do ask him about Voivod (he's a Voivod die hard fan)

or you can go to Campbell Complex (got 3 CD shops including Jae Silkhannaz's Nebula outlet) and Pertama Compleks (got couple of Old Skool CD shops),

*Campbell and Pertama is somewhere near SOGO compleks, those two Complexs are the pioneers of 80's Mat Rock hangouts :p"

But just a suggestions, the CDs (Electric Wizard) can be ordered direct from shops here. I'll recommend Roxy at Excelsior. Nice people... But a bit expensive... :mrgreen:

thanks dude. i will bookmark this campbell complex down for a visit in time to come. btw..is that the name of the shopping complex? i will give those mass market retailers a miss....i am not their target audience haha. music magick is really cool....obviously being a small retailer, they stock the latest pop/ hip hop/ radio artists as well (il divo anyone?). but their section on everything-other-than-pop-radio is quite awesome. it pretty much wiped out my moolah.


very useful tips thank u! that diy cd burning shop sounds like the mother of all diy. the ah soh probably runs it on behalf of her son who happens to be gigging around malaysia. i will definitely check that out. i chanced upon electric wizards reissue at roxy recently...price was too much on the high side for me. as much as i like the chaps there, i try not to order from them if i can get it cheaper elsewhere.