Where to find: Electric .11 Coated Boomers & Elixir Nanoweb


Active member
As above, not many shops I know carry gauge 11 strings for electric guitar.
I don't mind a range of .11 to .48, .49 or .50 as long as the first string is gauge 11.

I know GC has Elixir Nanoweb .11s but they lasted less than two weeks before corroding (like most other strings) unlike the normal .10 ones I usually use that goes to a 4-6 months without change.

My experience with Coated Boomers have been positive but the shops I've checked at (Davis, SV, Music Theme) don't seem to carry gauge 11 ones. Anyone knows a shop that sells gauge 11 ones? Like you're absolutely 100% positive that you've seen em carry it and not just a "I think they have GHS strings so check with them" kinda scenario.
