Where to find coloured D'Marzio humbuckers?


New member
Went to Blackwood today, and all I saw were green and beige D'Marzio humbuckers. Anyone know any shop that has a larger variety of coloured D'Marzio humbuckers?
I think its at the basement floor of Peninsula Hotel shopping ctr..sorry to hijack your track but actually im also looking for one & also for the control knobs, coloured as well..Hehe...

Bobbin toppers?

Those stickers don't last. Just a temporary solution.

If anyway, paint is better - but you might ruin the resale value of the pickup.

Ebay is your best friend for this... just need to know who to look for and how to persuade them to ship overseas.
not giving stock pickups a chance? or you think it's nicer to have pink pickups...? :confused:

well, i've heard how the stock pickups sound, im quite ok with it... i play heavy metal, and i need something treblish... the stock is good enough for hard rock and normal metal imo... further more, i've always wanted a black guitar with pink pups and hardware... so once i've gotten the pink X2N and D Activator, next up would be pink knobs and hardware... Alexi Laiho style! hahaha... and oh ya, got my EX-50! wooooooooo!!!!!
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HI there, u mentioned u went the online route? as in ebay or other similar sources? care to share?am also in the market to get them coloured dimarzios..