Where to change my Pickups at good rates


New member
Hi all,

I wanna know which shop(s) can I go for a nice, decent & budgetted change of pickups services?!?

Please help me out. Thanks.
buy pickups, buy a soldering iron and lead and DIY... gives you expierence and saves you any kinda charges in future... or you can try yahama plaza sing... i had a bad expierence with davis, not sure about there...
music plaza don't offer replacement service already.
guitar connection = $35 onwards
guitar77 = $30
davis = $20
luthermusic = $20

*all prices stated are for one passive pickup replacement.

you can try luthermusic, i had mine changed there and didnt have any bad experience.
I always trust them :lol:
good and friendly
buy pickups, buy a soldering iron and lead and DIY...

yea man. you wld really learn a lot if you DIY. the first time i rewired my guitar it turned out right. ujust gota follow the manual and wiring diagrams closely. and if your buying 2nd hand, theres always manuals n diagrams online. so if you've got the time it'll be gd to DIY.

and yea, i think luthers is like the most trustworthy n friendly place to go.
so far for wiring... ive had unsatisfactory jobs done by both GC and Luther.
only guy that gave consistent good work is Beez...

Beez at Peace Centre??

Im afraid I might destroy my guit if I were to DIY. Im super clumsy person la. Maybe I'll check out Luther.
Beez dosen't do any guitar service at plaza sing yamaha anymore. Went to him to fix my volume a couple of weeks back, he told me that the management wants him to concentrate on sales. He say he is trying to get the management to let him do servicing again.
I'm for DIY as well. Unless you're going for some real complicated wiring combination, it's always better to do it yourself. A handy skill too.
Re: Luther or Davis

neuro182 said:
so now its either Luther or Davis.. pls choose 1..

Guitar connection is also a viable solution.

when i first got my strat , it had lace holygrails in em. the tone knobs and playing action was really "off" --> brought it to GC , apparently they were very busy ... as usual... and kelvin and kc kindly did my guitar first , as i was in a hurry and i needed my guitar. They also charged me a "very" reasonable price.

tested the guitar in the store , it worked gd .. brought it home and few days later the tone knob was wonky again and my action started buzzing.

this is just to clarify what i meant by my "unsatisfactory experience" with GC.

i decided i hated the low output of the lace holygrails anyway and blew a load on a set of dimarzios - brought it down to GC and they installed the pickups , fixed the tone knob and got my action nice once again.
( My strat still works fine till today )

They do take responsibility for their work and kelvin and KC are nice guys to boot.

-=sorry if i made you guys sound like bad people with my one liner=-
no this other one is for Luther music.

i wanted to swap out my Dimarzio Heavy blues for a YJM pickup...and GC was too busy.. so i brought it to G77 to ask uncle dennis if he could do it in 1 hour. He directed me to luther and the malay guy (forgot his name) proceeded to install the pickup.

end result : guitar played and sounded fine. just that the pickup height adjustment screw was sticking out. and i couldnt get it to sit flush on the pick guard. it was irritating and i know it is a very minor thing la.. but im very anal about such stuff...
must be done fast , cheap and perfect...
so this is just to explain what i meant by unsatisfactory experience.
had i checked the guitar properly before i took off with it. I wouldnt have had to
live with it.

So this is probably a lesson -- only leave the store 100% sure.

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