Where to change input jack??


New member
My guitar's input jack is spoilt, plug it in and there will be a droning noise. I wanna know where can buy and install new jack. Prefably somewhere in peninsula. How much would it cost? and what type of input jack to consider, i have heard of steoreo and mono, whats the diff? any help is much appreacited!
If you wanna buy the input jack and install it yourself, you can get the jack from Guitar Connection in Penin. What you're after will be the mono jack. If I'm not wrong GC can also install the jack for you for a fee. Maestro also provides wiring services.
As mentioned there's so many musical store that can do for you. Optionally, you can open up the input jack and checkout the status. It might not be faulty after all. Probability as what you've mentioned maybe cables are shorted together or may have been out of connection. If you're lucky...just solder back the cable that came off.

I agree with Tetragrammaton. Check your jack first with working cables. If the cables are not working then check the wiring. If the wiring is okay then you can change your jack.

TYMC at Penin also sells the input jack. Guitar uses the mono jack, not the stereo.
I checked the jack and i found out that one of the wire has broke. I don't have any esperience so i think its best to send it to a pro to fix. How much would it roughly cost??
Many places to get it done.

-Mike at Standard Value (woodlands, near the woodlands checkpoint)
-KC at Zen Guitarwerkz (peninsular)
-TYMC can get it done too, (peninsular)
You can DIY. YouTube has video tutorials on soldering. You can pick up from there if you want to try. Saves you the money. :D

To add to phil's post, you can get it done at Beez at Roxy Square. He's still around right?