Where can i get good flatwounds?!


New member
well to accompany me fender jazz bass getting setup, im planning to put flats on them.

im fairly new with flats, for those flatwound users could you recommend good flats and where i can get em! and maybe smtg cheaper than thomastiks ;)
Rotosound has pretty well..not bad flatwounds.

I don't know about you but for myself I prefer roundwounds..might sound bright at the beginning but after about a month or so of mucking around with it the tone is perfect..
i agree with orcfiend.... somehow i find flats, well, flat. but its great for a uprighty thump sound.

i prefer rounds going dead.
ti jazz flats are pretty good. very mid rangey and they have more highs than the typical set of flats. tension is like rounds too. the way they last, i say it's worth the money.

rotosounds get you the traditional thump thing. they're amazing on a p but not too sure about j.

brian might want to comment on this. he's got a sexy j on flats.
you guys know ben kenney from incubus, i know he uses joe osborn laklands with flats. i want that tone! if im not mistaken i think joe osborn has signature flats from lakland. maybe ill give those a go.

(btw, anyone know what gear he uses? all i know is that he uses laklands with mesa amps)
i do believe that the tone that ben kenney gets is more from the lakland than the flatwounds, but i think you can get your fender to sound similar even w/o using flatwounds. it's all about EQ EQ EQ..and playing with the bridge/neck pups. i managed to achieve similar results with my jazz by turning down the bridge pups and increasing the mids and slight bass. but ohwell! to each his own, i prefer roundwounds because I THINK (note, I) it gives me more versatility in playing songs, tone-wise and the general feel of the strings itself..

(maybe because im a huge jaco fan, HAHA, cut bass and treble to 10oclock, mids to 2 o clock, cut neck pup vol, play @ bridge.. almost similar tone! now i just need a fretless mwah..)
alright, well as said. im looking for flats for the sake of trying them. (i already ordered the lakland joe osborn flats actually heehee). being tone wise from ben kenney. the specs of my bass to the laklands are pretty close. such as the bart pups. but im pretty certain the flats have smtg to do with it. and i could swear during his clean solos theres a hint of chorus or something shimmery behind the notes! (i want to know his setup bad!)

btw anyone ever tried the lakland jerry scheff bass?
flats don't really complement a fretted bass very well, but that's just my taste


they feel and sound awesome on a fretless (ignoring my bad intonation) :cool: