Where can i buy Sprague 225P


New member
I'm looking to buy some "Sprague 225P Orange Drop Capacitor 0.022uF,100V" here! Has anyone bought it locally here and how much will it cost me?Thanks
Take a walk around sim lim tower, or at martin electronics.

Check out yellow pages for contact/address.

At most a few dollars per piece.
Sim Lim was the first place i went asked a few shops couldn't find the orange but got one Brown one (3 for $3).Bought it came home darn not use it!
I'll try Martin Electronics.
If it's for guitar, and I assume it is, you don't have to stick to 100v.
You can use pretty much any value that you can fit into the guitar.

Anything from 40v to 400v.

Martin will have, unless they're out of stock.
You can call them instead of going down.

And while you were at sim lim tower, why didn't you head to martin?
They're just a road crossing away at bencoolen square.
Thanks for the info,lightice

Will it make any differences in the Volume/tone,Going from 40V to 400V? Thanks
the tonal quality will be from the material of the cap and the different capacitance value.

the voltage rating is meant for the safe working range where the cap can be used in a system that is installed.

For guitar, we are only seeing voltage in the milivolt range. Super tiny amount, when you compared it to the voltage rating of those orange drop caps.

The bigger the value, usually just mean the physical size of the cap will be bigger, thus taking up more space within our geetar cavity.

You should be more concern with the material of the cap plus the capacitance value then the voltage rating. Hehe for a cap with 400v rating, you can prolly use it in tube amp or something much more bigger that draw power directly from power point etc.

For guitar usage, its overkill for the voltage rating(kinda like using a swimming pool, to put fresh water for drinking, for one household with 4 people..). But in term of the material of the cap and its capacitance, thats where it has a bigger effect for the context of usage in geetaring.
What he says is true regarding size, but for the cap value, the size will be small even until 600v. 400v will fit into the guitar cavity without much issues.
hmm...so 1st of all 50-100V will do,2nd I got to be more concern with the material of the cap eg:Sprague,Ceremic Disc,etc(I'll try Sprague) 3rd is the capacitance value.225P right.
Thanks a lot lightice ,PatheinRaindropMoe.