What's your take on HIV?


New member
Sorry i am unsure where would be the right place to post this(if there is one), but please do help me out!

As part of our Project Work, we are conducting a pilot survey to help us better understand the level of understanding of HIV in Singapore.
In order to complete the project, we need your help to finish this simple survey.

Please proceed to take the survey:

For those aged below 21:
SurveyMonkey.com - Powerful tool for creating web surveys. Online survey software made easy!

For those aged 21 and above:
SurveyMonkey.com - Powerful tool for creating web surveys. Online survey software made easy!

If possible, please help us by sending it out to your friends too! Your kind effort is very much appreciated!

Thank you! (:
yup tried the link, doesn't work. maybe they have the required number of surveys already, so they shut down the survey? :rolleyes:
Sorry i am unsure where would be the right place to post this(if there is one), but please do help me out!

As part of our Project Work, we are conducting a pilot survey to help us better understand the level of understanding of HIV in Singapore.

A Pilot survey on Understanding of HIV here at Soft ? It is more adviceable that you go out into the Street and do this Survey (Face to Face).....
Anyway, my firend said masturbation leads to HIV. True ? *shrugs*

i think ur friend's defination of masturbation is "having unprotected sex with someone with HIV"\
ur friends a joker..hahaha. i mean.. if he/she was trying to joke of course
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and so what if it is so? the thousands of African children dying of HIV, don't you guys have a heart? Darwinism is a concept which should not be upheld, and it is up to us to make sure the weak get a chance.
i think ur friend's defination of masturbation is "having unprotected sex with someone with HIV"\
ur friends a joker..hahaha. i mean.. if he/she was trying to joke of course

^ He's an expert, I swear, trust him, he knows this stuff.

It's just like any other severe disease.

And lighten up, don't have to take everything you see on the internet seriously.
Part of being human is the responsibility and compassion we have over our fellow humans in lesser circumstances. I don't know how true some of you guys hold to your views or even have one at all but it's disturbing to see humanism not being championed around these parts. I'm all for natural selection but HIV isn't darwinism or "GOD'S GIFT TO OVERPOPULATION HAHA"

lastly, HIV is for homos and druggies amirite guyz hurr hurr
i have no idea what kind of bullshit you kiddies are getting from your parents, school, church, mosque, temple, friends and periodicals, but the number one cause of death in singapore is heart disease, and no, most people do not die in their sleep. So remember that when you're thinking that hiv is the best example of darwinism because someone you know will be facing that sometime soon.
I find it a lil intriguing that humans are the only living thing on Earth affected by HIV.. It just shows how dumb the immune system of a smart creature can be.
lastly, HIV is for homos and druggies amirite guyz hurr hurr

Actually, that is massively and grossly untrue. HIV is a retrovirus spread through exchange and contact of bodily fluids. What this means is that anyone, yes, even you, can become HIV-positive. What this does not mean, however, is that you can contract AIDS just by touching a HIV-positive patient's saliva. HIV generally only infects when it is directly released into the blood-stream, and therefore, short of a HIV-positive patient biting you in the arm, you are unlikely to contract AIDS just from normal day-to-day interactions. (And yeah, you can french-kiss a HIV-positive patient safely too.) Most of the time, HIV is spread via penetrative sex.

Unfortunately, because of the sexual nature of transmission, HIV patients are often ostracized by society. Common causes include misconceptions about the nature of transmission, with many afraid that even being physically close to a patient will cause infection, and moral condemnation for the lifestyle of most HIV patients.

(Now in my own opinion, religious groups that condemn AIDS patients as sinners and immoral people are disgustingly hypocritical. What these people need is acceptance, love, and concern. If you who claim to be a worshipper of Allah, Jesus or Buddha cannot even provide the basics of what your God preached, you're an utter failure. But that's just me. :))

Beyond the sexual nature of urban HIV patients, though, the single greatest HIV tragedy in the world today is Africa. Everyday, millions of children are suffering from a virus that has plagued them since birth, through no fault of their own. The general low hygiene conditions, low status of women and lack of sexual education has led HIV to become a virtual epidemic there. Kids are being born infected with the disease daily, with only a few years to live before they meet their end. The various widespread misconceptions about HIV only served to blur the true facts of the disease, and pretty soon it was a raging wildfire sweeping through the continent.

The saddest thing about this condition is that it is wholly preventable. HIV, while not curable, is certainly treatable. The appropriate medicine and treatment exists for the weeping mother who has infected her daughter with a disease that will end both their lives. So why is it not being distributed? The most common excuse is that it is too impractical and too expensive to facilitate the distribution of the treatment wholesale in Africa, but to me that's a whole load of fcuked-up sanctimonious lazy hyperbolic bullshit spouted by a bunch of hypocritical mofos. (Sorry, James.) Even in the remotest corners of Africa, you can still enjoy your icy cool can of Coke. Now if you can get pressurised tin cans of soda in there, why can you not get pills and injections? That's just an example of the kind of backward thinking that's crippling Africa's efforts to save her children.

It's sad, really. You'd think that in today's day and age, where you live should not decide whether you live.
woah, massive data upload here.

thanks again for the lesson.

hmm then again, how come this thread got sidetracked?

and no masturbation doesnt lead to HIV.
unprotected sexual intercourse does.
growlingsoulpup: that last line from dir was tongue-in-cheek la! He was espousing humanism throughout his post.

but anyways, props for that v informative post which shed a lot of light =D