What's your pick-up setup?

Don't you find it harder to strum with a smaller pick? I personally feel it's great for picking but some rhythm parts, you can't really have that power feel.
thanks for all ur advice.

I've actually taken all of ur advice!
I changed to a 1.5cm length pick and I've lowered my PUs slightly... much better.

There's some kind of trade off for a super-strat i guess.... Can't do punk on it ....lol.....

My Ibanez stock PUs is kind of weak too...think it's called the S6 or something. There's no punch at all, unless I put it REAL close to the strings...(which screws up picking and distorts the sound)
hi ..been using dimarzio pu all this while
tried tone zone,megadrive,paf classic and X2N..superdistortion
i think the megadrive the best..second X2N while tone zone too much bass

tried to get screaming demon from duncan but no luck..
anyone selling do let me know.. thks..
Penguin: have you checked the latest inventory of Duncan pickups with Music Plaza? i was there a week ago & if memory serves me right, the Screamin' Demon (regular spaced version) is in stock. some rare models are also available eg: zebra Invader 8)
what are your opinion of emgs? (rarely talked about) like especially the 81 and 85... what if i combine both in a H-H combination? and i think was like $350 for a pair... its there any other brands that provide the same metal / rock sound for less $? maybe SD or dimarzio? thx
abt metal sounding pu`s..
personally i prefer x2n...its cheaper than X2N...combined with a 1000k vol pots..

for the EMG ..since its active u need to replace the battery once in a while..thats what i dont like...hehe..no offence

p00n what kinda metal tone that u tried to emulate?
pls provide some clue la... :D
i heard that active pickups' battery only requires change after like 3000hrs of play or was its 30 000hrs? hmm but if was some pretty ridiculous length of time... so actually it would run out after something like 3.472 years of playing for 24 hours a day and thats pretty long before the next change :D

umm about what i want to emulate... perhaps metallica and stuff like that maybe about that heaviness... im going to compliment it with a metalzone and a tiny 15W amp for the time being... they would be fitted in a bc rich...
p00n said:
i heard that active pickups' battery only requires change after like 3000hrs of play or was its 30 000hrs? hmm but if was some pretty ridiculous length of time... so actually it would run out after something like 3.472 years of playing for 24 hours a day and thats pretty long before the next change :D

umm about what i want to emulate... perhaps metallica and stuff like that maybe about that heaviness... im going to compliment it with a metalzone and a tiny 15W amp for the time being... they would be fitted in a bc rich...

The battery thing isn't true. If you're using different brands of battery, the time it will last is different. And if you're turning up the volume on your guitar, the time it will last is different too. I did not use active pup but in terms of electricity, the lasting time varies.

If you want heavy, the way to go is active pickups. SD got some of them but the most popular active pickups is EMG. I guess EMG 81 and 85 is the most popular pickups.
active PUs...man.... I'm hel bent against those.... it feels like all the sound...tone of the guitar is chewed up and coloured up by them....

i prefer passive ones lol... SD and DiMarz are cool...
Active pup are for people into metal. I never heard good clean from active pup. Even the distortion is not on, the clean still sound fuzzy. Thats the downside. But good thing about active pup is that they are really hot. But another downside is the installation, very troublesome. I'm also into passive pup. More suitable for blues and jazz.

actually im still pretty impressed by the active emg pups and now debating between the 81/85 or the 81/89 combo....

i havent really heard the 85 in action but the 89 here -> http://phil.phreedom.net/equipment tests.htm has reached a tone that i like and closest to that i have been looking for... the 81 ive heard and pretty much set on it... only now the 85 is the undecided factor... anyone have tried the 85 and willing to post a sound clip or something? thx that would be awesome

btw whats the actual difference of placing which pickups at the neck or bridge?
lazy too type again...took this from musicians match forum...pickup is 85

Well...first of all, I feel that the classic is supposed to go from slight overdrive to somewhere ard med- heavy distortion. but my EMGs dun really clean up very well so I feel like I'm not able to really use the full capabilties of the Classic to the max. But however compared to my TM10's distortion, I find that the classic has a much fatter and smoother tone.

I did a recording of me using the Classic through my TM 10 bout one month back...here's the clip


Right click and save should work...

The Classic was set at low for distortion lvl knob at 1 o clock.....dark.....7db mid boost.....high and bass were between 11 - 1 dun remember exactly......filter around 12 and amp was set at clean...

I kinda prefer lower output pickups to EMGs. More tonal variety, able to clean up nicely. Moreover passives don't require battery changes. Just curious though, those of you who have EMGs installed in your guitars, approximately how long does it take for the batteries to go flat?
using dual 2mg81's which come stock in the esp kh2 guitar. The battery is not an issue imo. been using it for 1 and a half years and decided to give the batt a change. Quite a lot of improvement in the output. It wont die on you that quickly but i think changing once every 6 months is a good idea if you wanna keep your tone. A 9v batt costs like a few bucks so if ure really interested in getting the high gain metal sound, its a small price to pay
regarding this battery issue,
gargamelesp how often do you play the guitar..?
just curious.. i guess u must be using those alkaline type right..
average of about an hour a day. the battery that came with the guitar was some sony one so i guess its life isnt that good. changed to an energizer one.