What's your pick-up setup?


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What's your pickup setup? I've been reading so many mixed reviews on-line and on the official webbies.... what's the LOCAL view on PUs? DiMarzios...stock PU...Seymour Duncs...EMG...etc

For me, I'm a fan of DiMarzios passive humbucks (I'm biased 'coz many stars use DiMarz)

I like the sounds of Petrucci (Air Norton, Steve's Special), Vai (Evolution x2) and Paul Gilbert (PAF's and Tone Zones...). Then again, can't trust them too coz they use SO much equipment....

what'dya think?
Joe Barden rules. Hard to find here though.

Bill Lawrence looks good too and is a lot more affordable, but I haven't tried them yet.
i respect the gear used by my heroes- Satch/ Vai/ Morse/ Gambale/ etc. but i have to acquire what i like to hear & not emulate other people's hardware in their guitars. the aforementioned super players equip their guitars for their tonal needs because that's all they play. well me, i have a flipside to playing, i embrace shred & aggressive music so my guitars have to be versatile to fulfil this dual needs.

these days, i'm with Duncans. i used to be Dimarzio inclined but this brand name has an inherent 'smooth' tone which i can do without. Dimarzios are still great but Duncans let my guitar's wood breathe through & that's important to me. the over-riding consideration is of course, the pickups must give me what i wanna hear.
i've got SD 59 n JB on my Epi LP, used to have DiMarzio Paf Pro n TZ on my RG.........

i prefer the SDs.....but the guitar will affect the sound as well....

guitar_phreak said:
What's your pickup setup? I've been reading so many mixed reviews on-line and on the official webbies.... what's the LOCAL view on PUs? DiMarzios...stock PU...Seymour Duncs...EMG...etc

For me, I'm a fan of DiMarzios passive humbucks (I'm biased 'coz many stars use DiMarz)

I like the sounds of Petrucci (Air Norton, Steve's Special), Vai (Evolution x2) and Paul Gilbert (PAF's and Tone Zones...). Then again, can't trust them too coz they use SO much equipment....

what'dya think?
oh I see,

I always wanted to hear how different it is. Personally, I wanted to hear out before I buy or change anything....

I really liked the Air Norton & Steve S combi but it's too like Petrucci setup... like what Sub said....most important is what sound we want with our equipment.

I want an airy neck for playing clean stuff, from chords, rythem, to classical music....but a hard core bridge for ripping solos and powerful rock/metal shred stuff....less vintage, more modern.

Hence, I'm thinking of the Air Norton & Tone Zone combi.

I've not considered other brand PUs, becoz personally I dun have experience in them....ultimately, I wanna hear the sound....if only that is possible before purchase of PUs....lol
i think u can find sound samples on their websites.....but i'm not too sure how accurate they r....but @ least u can hear the difference.....

guitar_phreak said:
oh I see,

I always wanted to hear how different it is. Personally, I wanted to hear out before I buy or change anything....

I really liked the Air Norton & Steve S combi but it's too like Petrucci setup... like what Sub said....most important is what sound we want with our equipment.

I want an airy neck for playing clean stuff, from chords, rythem, to classical music....but a hard core bridge for ripping solos and powerful rock/metal shred stuff....less vintage, more modern.

Hence, I'm thinking of the Air Norton & Tone Zone combi.

I've not considered other brand PUs, becoz personally I dun have experience in them....ultimately, I wanna hear the sound....if only that is possible before purchase of PUs....lol
Yeah...the DiMarzio webbie was totally unhelpful....they just listed parts of songs....which I've heard.... and some have no sample at all.

End up I just go around listening to CDs...lol... and visiting harmony central...which gave ALOT of mixed reviews....
Hey ML, which position are you talking about- neck/ bridge?

the '59 is a different beast in these 2 positions, in the neck it's a polite pickup, but in the bridge, it's an overall versatile unit. the AII humbucker is a better pickup in the bridge IMO, it has more crunch there. if you want good clean & overdriven tones, the '59 will oblige.
subversion said:
Hey ML, which position are you talking about- neck/ bridge?

the '59 is a different beast in these 2 positions, in the neck it's a polite pickup, but in the bridge, it's an overall versatile unit. the AII humbucker is a better pickup in the bridge IMO, it has more crunch there. if you want good clean & overdriven tones, the '59 will oblige.

I usually use the neck for clean sound. So should i put Alnico 2 on the neck as Alnico 2 has less output than 59 model so its clean sound should sound better?
Hey guys, do you know roughly what is a good price for DiMarzio PUs... new ones and 2nd hand.

I'm looking through some options for the Air Norton and Tone Zone and the price varies so much.... get this feeling that I might get ripped off.
Discounts! Bargain for more discount. Don't buy dimarzio from allmusic, get it from swee lee. At swee lee you might get more discount.
I'm looking through some options for the Air Norton and Tone Zone and the price varies so much.... get this feeling that I might get ripped off.

Check with dimarzio for their official prices listing. If the prices varies alot, the shop might be trying to squeeze you dry.
I have a Duncan '59 (N) and Bill Lawrence L-500 (B) on my Jackson. Sounds very 'POWDERRFULLL'...Man!!! 8)
A little side track here...

I juz got an Ibanez RG with the new edge pro... strings are so low now tt everytime i pick...i seem to hit the PUs... especially the single-coil...(HSH)

Anyone got this experience? Or i should changing my picking style...
For pickups, i'm using the stock prs pickups HFS/Vintage Bass on my guitar. Very versatile and over-wound for high gain, coiled tapped to get sweet cleans. I personally love Seymour Duncan pickups! They're super nice.. especially Duncan 59s with JB pickups on the les paul, the tone is just so thick.. I think Dimarzio pickups are just not my kind of pickups. Another manufacturer not very well known is Rio Grande pickups, i've tried my friend's strat with Rio Grande's Fat Bastard and Texas (?) something pickup, the sound blew me away! it was so SRV like.. anywhere from high screaming leads to cleans. Anyone knows who sells Rio Grande Pickups here in S'pore?
A little side track here...

I juz got an Ibanez RG with the new edge pro... strings are so low now tt everytime i pick...i seem to hit the PUs... especially the single-coil...(HSH)

why don't you sink the single coil pickup more into the body? i'm sure it'll help in some way. or just try to pick in between the single coil and the humbucker, the little puny area there(=

as for pickups i prefer dimarzio's for lead playing, and seymour duncans for the warmer rhythm tone.
My ex-guitarist smashed his Nuno Washburn (Duhh!!! 8O ), so he sold me the BL & Duncan '59 for $50. No dealers for BL here? 8)
guitar_phreak said:
A little side track here...

I juz got an Ibanez RG with the new edge pro... strings are so low now tt everytime i pick...i seem to hit the PUs... especially the single-coil...(HSH)

Anyone got this experience? Or i should changing my picking style...

You can change to a smaller pick. That should solve the problem.