what's wrong with the pickup?


New member
guys, i know zilch about bass,

and i fatefully received an sms from a church worship leader:

"need to change bass pickup. can't EQ the tone."

1. is the pickup gone?
2. should i go check?
3. how and what should i check?

4. IF it reallys begs to be replaced, any recommendations for a decent pickup (the best value for money kind, passive preferably?)?

quite urgent, so will appreciate replies.

thanks all. :)
What does he mean by "Can't EQ the tone"?
does that mean that there is sound coming out but adjusting the tone knob doesn't have any effect on the sound?
To check if the pickup is working, select the pickup using the selector and tap the pickup with something metallic. If you hear a 'thud' coming through the amp then the pickup is working. No thud then wiring is probably broken.

Send to a tech to repair. There is no pickup that cannot be EQd if it is working.


i think ... if got sound ...
den like Nefianz said ... "tone knob spoil"

Did anything happen to it prior to this ??
eg.Dropping ... slamming ... smashing.
lol ~!
nebo1981 said:
i think ... if got sound ...
den like Nefianz said ... "tone knob spoil"

Did anything happen to it prior to this ??
eg.Dropping ... slamming ... smashing.
lol ~!

for church i dun tink got so hardcore ah.. slam n smash.. no1 does tt anymore nowdays.. lolz only those crazy old skool rockers..
TBH i think it's a bit ridiculous to change pups because you can't EQ the tone. i have never come across a bass, even a cheap $200 one that couldn't be eq'd to a decent-sounding setting.

what amp are you running through? it could be the amp itself.

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