Whats true bypass?

true bypass is usually associated with effect pedals.

In short, it means your instrument signal goes into input jack of effect and to the ouput jack, without going thru any circuitry.

Effect bypass(true bypass, buffer bypass etc) is a huge topic by itself in effect pedal. If you want to find out more, why some prefer, why some dont care and how does it affect your signal, with or without truebypass etc, you can visit these 2 sites to find out more. Just need to search around in there..

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hehe, if cant really get the idea, just carry on playing the geetar, true bypass or not, it shud not be a factor to hinder playing and doing music. Certain terms in effect pedals been used as a selling point for longest time and often blinded us even before trying out anything physically. Imho
Safely put..true bypass prevents your other pedals on board being blown if one of it were to ever short-circuit. Though it rarely happens. And i think it has cleaner signals.

(not a full explanation. Just a bit of it ya. )
yo bro, where you got the idea from or is there any reference to this? From what i know and have came across from infos, discussions on effect over the net, true bypass usually just on instrument signal routing within effect pedals instead, not really much to do with power distribution or dealing with short circuit prevention...

the cleaner signal part also kinda misleading actually, it doesnt provide clearer signal.. To have a "clearer" signal, true bypass is not the way, buffer is the one. But unfortunately, some and "readers of gear forums" avoid buffer without even knowing the function of the buffer(other than the usual tone sucks thingy). True bypass doesnt result in clearer signal, it just ensure instrument signal goes into input and output without alteration to it. No phase inversion, no buffer etc
Simple way to look at it, if a pedal is true bypass, and the guitar is plugged into this pedal and then into the amp, the signal would be similar as if the guitar is plugged into the amp directly when the pedal is switched off..
If the pedal has buffered bypass (a bad one), the sound would be different (when the pedal is off) as compared to plugging the guitar straight into the amp..
About the 'cleaner' part..i wasnt really sure and knowing someone would correct me too. (Thanks. :) ]

But the power blow thingy, one of my pals had the extension socket blown. (short circuit). It damaged the non-truebypass pedals but the truebypass pedals remained intact.
That's my reference. Definitely not a fact. perhaps that experience was just luck and coincidence.

Sorry if i misled.
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