What's the difference between installing a .022 orange drop and a .047 orange drop?

Lols...so which cap shld i use? .022 or .047?

You have gotten your priority wrong. If you want to play rock or metal, you should be more concerned about getting the correct distortion or overdrive into your amp. The choice of tone capacitor can come a later stage. There is no set rule on what cap value is meant for what genre of music.

If you are concerned about getting the right tone cap for yourself, you are better off using trial and error than asking for people's opinion on what value to use. One chap likes a 0.0223pf cap while another will like a 0.047pf cap and the last guy calls the first two idiots and says that real men only use volume controls.


This article has a very good method on how to test various capacitors and finding the right one for your needs.

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