Whats the cheapest way to record ur music??


New member
wif decent sound quality?


rite now tinking of gettin' the zoom ps-04...any opinions??
What would you be recording? Drums, Bass, Guitar, Vocals ... or will you be using MIDI to do the backing tracks and just record your guitar?
get a behringer DI100
Cakewalk HomeStudio
for your mic you have a few choices.
Rode NT1a
Behringer B1
Blue Ball
SM57(Can be used well for micing amps too)

Depends on how important and good you want your vocals to sound
You can use your computer sound card for now.Remember to use the line in.
What guitar are you recording.Classical,Acoustic or electric.
hey thx...

hm..how much will all tt stuff cost?

currently only have electric guitars/bass...

do i nd some more stuff for acoustic?
Stillborn said:
rite now tinking of gettin' the zoom ps-04...any opinions??

this zoom can only record 4 tracks, you know wat it means right?

  • 4 audio tracks, each with 10 virtual tracks
    Programmable drum/bass machine
    94 effects
    High-quality built-in mic with preamp
    65 minutes recording time on a 128MB SmartMedia card
    Over 5 Hours recording time on 4 AA batteries
    Auto-chromatic tuner
    Optional AC adapter

Since you don't have a acoustic yet.You don't need a mic that quickly unless you want to record vocals.

For now
DI100 - $60+
Cakewalk HomeStudio - not very sure how much

If you are doing vocals too.
MIC100 - $80+
SM58 - $160+

That is a good dynamic mic.There is cheaper but not as good.For mics,you pay for what you get.If you are serious about recording.Get a Rode NT1a($300+) or a Blue 8 Ball($400+)
The absolute cheapest way to record music. Without counting in the computer and you're using a $82 soundblaster from sim lim square is.

1. buy the magazine computer music. There's always a cd on it that has a free multitrack app, a sampler, a synth and free samples. $19.95 at certain shops.
2. get the small lavalier mics for MD players. Surprisingly they're quite good, though they emphasize more within the vocal range. Don't know how much the bog standard ones retail for, but the newer sony's are 80-120.

If you need to record bass, you can plug it into the mic in of the soundcard. Just remember not to let the recording levels clip, and that the recording is dry. So you'll need a reverb plugins to make it sound nice. Try the kjaerhus plugs. Free plugins for everything. Next you might want to check out the guys from smart electronix. They have more radical sound mangling plugs. For sweetening up try the elogoxa exciter.
thats another way to do things.However, i just feel that it wouldn't be enough to be a good recording. Many people let me listen to their recordings done this way or something similar and its so badly done that i can't hear what are they playing or singing. Although there are a few suprises.
If you want to do it, do it right!

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