whats the best guitar i can get with 800 bucks??


New member
HI guys, whats the best guitar i can get with 800 bucks. not a strat copy. hmm. can u guys give me a list of them?

then i go and check evryone of them before buying thanks man.
i got an ibanez 321.

i got it at the 40% discount. but at normal price it's about 600.
though i havent tried out many guitars or whatsoever. i can tell you i love it.

especially for down tuned the sound is oh sooo YUMMY! :twisted:

but i look at it as more of a metal guitar. 800 could get you nice LTDs i think. if not it's 900 from davis. im not too sure, got to wait for the pros to arrive. especially subversion. 8O
erm why not you say what kind of music you gonna play with it, make things easier? :roll:
do u have any preferred designs? if so maybe we can give better suggestions that r closer to what u r looking for.
Not a strat copy but a strat shaped guitar can? :lol:
Do try out a Brian Moore i81, its pretty good a guitar for $800 IMO.
BEST BEST BEST ah? go get customised guitar lor... theres notthin better then getting a guitar according to ur own specs... haha

maybe drop by Guitar Workshop and take a look?
get any guitar that is light and to your liking.. and mod it with pickups that will suite ur playing style and prefered tone.. since you like to jump, pick sumthing light (obviously) well i've never came across anything as light as basswood so try that or i could be wrong issit plywood..??try the j&d guitars at rankin sports they r cheap and some are nice peices...

its a kopi-tiam.

its something under the sun.

so if you have something bad to say, please go away. thank you.

anyway, does guitar connection have a website?
Khai, your descriptions rather vague, can't help you there.

IMO theres no 'best' guitar. You must go out and try everything and see which appeals to you. And to block off strat shaped guitars means you care about cosmetics to a degree too. I don't blame you for that, but are you into looking good or making music? Strats are seriously versatile guitars. They should be amongst your choices too. Who cares whether they look boring or not, You're gonna rock or pose?
Re: asd

khai_stereotype said:
well at least its something under the sun. and i dont offend anyone.

you got a problem with that?

Oh well... Hmm I think you could buy a LTD EC-50 lespaul for $600.. :D


i already have a strat copy.
its not boring looking.
i just want something different,
thanks anyway.

i think most probably i'll get a epi les paul.
hey do anyone of you know how much a gretch costs?
eh, nvrm. i think its gonna be heavy.

thanks anyway.