Whats studios in singapore have good bass amps?


New member
Hi fellow bassists,

Can anyone suggest a rehearsal room that has good/acceptable bass amps?

I have been to a few and found that all sorts of thrashed, underpowered and generally mismatched bass amps. You probably all know what I mean, you get there and spend two hours trying to compete with a marshall and a drum kit with what is essentially a bass "practice amp".

Any suggestion would be gratefully received.

Thanks Bssr - I will take a look, But a TE 1215? and a SWR WM15?? (all 160 watts of it) I dont know......The Orange and VOX amps will be great for guitar, but if you play rock and EQ your settings to a fairly standard mid-less scoop (get rid of all those nasty mids) you will be pushing the amp to 10 straight up. There is no headroom available to keep your sound clean.

This is my problem at present. Seems all rehearsal studios in Singapore are owned and run by guitarists, and none have them have thought about the most important instrument - the bass. Wattage is very subjective and also different depending on the tone you are trying to push. an AC50 guitar amp with a 160 watt bass amp - which would be the loudest? That depends on the sound wave you are trying to push. Bass sound waves are huge and need bigg wattage. A 400 watt mosfet Ampeg is useless next to a 100 watt marshal, or even for that matter a AC50. You would at least need 1000 watt ampeg mosfet to balance out the sound. SVT PRO is different in that the valves compensate for the the lack of wattage rating.

So i am hoping that someone can point me to a rehearsal room that is using GK's or Edens or Ampegs (of sufficient power and wattage).

Anything like that here???

PS - dont want to sound like a gear snob, but i like my bass sounds clean and un-distorted....
Yes, I am trying Lcube this week, I have been there a while back when they were at Duxton hill and so far I can say it was my best experience. Another studio who shall remain nameless is running Hartke and I was shocked to find two of the cones in their 4x10 box held in with gaff tape, their 15 bin didnt work and I swear there was an ants nest in the head...you know that sound you get from short wave radio built from a crystal set.....yep that was it. We played half the session and decided the pub was less painfull (yes the guitar amps were in similiar state). Hopefully Lcube will be better.
Another studio who shall remain nameless is running Hartke and I was shocked to find two of the cones in their 4x10 box held in with gaff tape, their 15 bin didnt work and I swear there was an ants nest in the head...
hah i think i know which studio you're talking about...

i found the Trace Elliot at Big Ear to be sufficiently loud, or maybe that was because the rooms are tiny. i did end up cranking the volume, but that was because my brother was cranking his Orange and our drummer is insanely loud. i came out of that room half deaf.

but if you play rock and EQ your settings to a fairly standard mid-less scoop (get rid of all those nasty mids) you will be pushing the amp to 10 straight up. There is no headroom available to keep your sound clean.
ah see, that's the problem right there, you've gone and scooped all your mids and disappeared into the mix. mid-scooping is like blasphemy to me (unless we're talking slap), but then again every person has his own preferences.

but seriously, at least have some mids so you can cut through.
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Several things you are doing wrong:

1) Mid-scoop (see b33r's post)
2) Going by brand (really.. if you're just jamming it's not going to matter much)
3) Going by wattage (after 300 watts, it doesn't really matter in a jamming studio)

With the exception of the SVT-2PRO, the rest of Ampeg's SVT-PRO line runs on solid-state power amps. This means that the tubes in them have nothing to do with the final output volume stage; they're just there for tone-shaping.

You will also need to tell your guitarists to turn down... it takes two hands to clap, and having everyone turn up the volume just makes it that much harder everyone to hear themselves. I have done fine with a 200-watt solid-state bass amp against two 100-watt tube guitar amps.

That said, to answer your question: Backbeat Studios has never let me down in terms of volume. You might want to check them out.
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last time i jam at Beat Merchant the big room. they got 8x10. ampeq SVT type head. that was 2 yrs ago.
i'm sorry guys, but if someone wants a mid-scooped tone who are we to say that it's "wrong"? markbass prides itself in its VPF and VLE, which are mid scoop and low pass filter controls. seymour duncan's paranormal has a "slap contour" which is a mid scoop and bass boost.

sure, mids can help you cut through the mix. but if that's the only way you are going to be heard in the mix, your tone is gonna be one-dimensional. and while the grit is good for rock, nobody ever thought of asking what genre of music being played. you can also boost the highs for your tone to have presence. what happens when you boost bass, mids and highs? you need more power.

at the end of the day, mids cannot substitute actual power.

if the guitar amps are stacks, they are probably 100w of solid state power. preferably you would need 300w of power to amplify the lows. remember that different frequencies need different amounts of power to be amplified. past a certain point, all you are increasing is the highs, while the lows get stuck or worse, start to distort.

now you don't need that kind of power in a jam session. but the reason why jam studios do this may not be because of power, it may be because of tone, and a certain tone you get when you push the guitar amp at a certain level.

you can crank up the gain on the bass amp, but as we all know, the tone starts to deteriorate past a certain point on all solid state amps. there is absolutely no way a 15" combo is going to provide that kind of power. if there are 2 heavy guitars in your band, nothing below 150w is going to be heard, unless at the expense of tone. and let us not go into highly complex discussions of the overall volume level of 1 vs 2 guitar amps.

to quote a talkbass user, "mids will get you by when you are broke, but i prefer the good stuff"

anyway, regarding studios, i played at fourtones once where there was a hartke 3500 into a 4x10.
yup agree with shinobi. The guy just wants to know where he can find a studio with more powerful amps. Don't need to give him a lecture on mids/scooped mids blah blah lah.. I'm sure he knows what he's doing.

cheers. :)
and btw everyone knows the real power comes in around 40-50hz!! It'll make your fittings rattle and your windows shake.. :)
i think most decent studios fitting with hartkes 4x10/ 3500a head a peavey head with a 4x12 and a jcm marshall with 4x12. well at least the Tiet studio (big room) has decent sound, size room, good enuff for 2 crazy ass guitarist that cranked out the distortion at top volume one heavy scooped chuggy and the other one crunchy shredder type tone and i wonder what frequency should i parked myself at.
well i did say that everyone has their own eq preference...

back on topic, i do have the same problem as the TS sometimes, e.g. the small room at FourTones, which only has a small Hartke combo, which is why i always insist on getting the big room. now that i think about it, i mentioned the Trace Elliot combos because i thought "good bass amps" meant the best sounding (they are to me), but it looks like what TS is looking for is not only good sounding but also loud enough. i can't comment on that, since i've never really compared volume before. i just like to be loud enough to cut through the mix and be heard, hence my aversion to mid-scooping. my hearing is already screwed up as it is...
speaking from my experience:

my best experience was with Lcube, a hartke ha2500 into a 4x10 in the mid room, their biggest room has a hartke 5500 into a 2x15, which sounds really good too.

Tiet's biggest room has a hartke 3500a into a 4x10, but the tube section of that 3500a was spoilt, i turn up the gain of the tube and no sound comes out, only the SS section had sound. But that was about 2 years ago when I played there, so they may have repaired it already, i don't know.

Tiet's other small room has a 15" GK Backline combo in there, which I do not like. It's mid-scooped voiced. All the time I'm fighting the amp to hear myself.
I liked the hartkes at lcubes. Nice and punchy.

Yeah, the Hartkes at Fourtones are pretty good. Loud enough to keep up with the other instruments, and yes, they are loud, boomy and punchy. But then again, they're the only studio I've been to.

The big room has the 3500 stack, while the smaller room has some combo. The stack's pretty good. The combo, while not as nice, does get the job done.
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