WhatLah! Project Presents LOLS2

WhatLah! Project Presents LOLS2 -

Announcement(s) :

During the show on 24th May . Music Garage . 6pm onwards. - We will be having a list for you to be part of the team or receive our newsletter(s) (not spam mail) .

They will be some cards for you to dribble on it. And some photos taken with it. And your faces will grace the website.

Will update again to those applied to join the team offline or online on future events / promotion day and such.

If any of you guys have any creative ideas, do email me @ raman@whatlahproject.com . Or, biopromax@hotmail.com (msn) if you have patience difficulty. Hehx.

PS : LOLS2 is not WhatLah's Launch. (hint hint)

again, whose going ? hehex.
Hey guys -

Those who wanna be part of the crew. MASS CREWS.

Do email me your myspace etc at

raman@whatlahproject.com :)

I will tell you what to do when being in the MASS CREW. :)

PS : Im lazy to open new thread for this. I will make use of this thread until 24th.
Wow! Sold out. Nice.

it will be so packed, if you crowd surf, there wont be space for you to be put down. (so they'll just pass ya around the room) :P

eh raman, i lazy la want to email you. if you need any of my expertise you can just drop me a pm over msn. can can can can? thank you very nice. you know you'll have my support from behind. *nods convincingly*
Now whats worry me.... The pax is too big for the venue. BUT ITS GONNA BE FUN. :)

To everyone's coming , please join WhatLah! Project Crews. :)

We shall make a revolutions. And also those who cant go , maybe coz tix is sold out or no time..

Please also join the crews. :)

PS : Im like begging you guys sey. In any case, keep the local music going.