what would you do when you just got Heartbroken?

Go out with your buddies, talk to them, and learn not to focus on what happened. Over time, the healing will take place.
Do you play guitar bro? Falling outta love is always a good time to write a one-in-a-million kinda song.

And sorry to hear bout your loss, but pls don't do stupid things. Agree with Boon. There're are many fishes in the sea. Just keep fishing, eventually you'll land one and you won't ponder over "the one that got away".

Cheers bro. 8)
Go out with your buddies, talk to them, and learn not to focus on what happened. Over time, the healing will take place.

yeap,talk to good budds.of course over the few days will be feeling blue,so will be a good chance to whip out my strat and play some blues.:rolleyes:
Speeding and turning at more than 100kph is a very powerful thrill, it helps you get your mind off shit, but it is irresponsible in the sense that you risk yourself, your dad's car and any other road users out there. I've done it once very recently when I was in a similar situation, felt good but I told myself to never ever do such a silly thing again.

Just forget about it. Think of yourself in the future, looking back at yourself now and how pathetic you'd seem. This should make you want to force yourself to move on. The emotions will come back randomly, when you're high or when you can't sleep at night, just gotta learn to keep it all in check.

Like a few have said, crying it out works. Like if on one night you feel particularly depressed, just punch or hug your pillow tight, shout, whatever, and do it till you fall asleep. The next morning you should wake up WAY stronger than before, at least that's how it seems to be for me. But if it's happening every night, then maybe seek a higher level of help, spiritual, counselling, or anything that can be deemed fit.

Girls who f*ck guys up aren't worth you devoting so much of yourself and your emotion into.
first time i heard can rev 7000 rpm on accord auto...and i have been driving for 25 years..along cte some more...
^ you can try. :)
if you really want to floor the pedal all the way in the middle of the night, it's very possible. i think can it reach 8k, but i dont dare to try, even when i'm crazy.

yes, i do play guitar.
yeah well, i'm not so much of a song writer, i can write lyrics. :/ i wrote a couple already.

i've tried going out and stuff, pub, smoke, drink, yeah well. gets my partial part of my mind off stuff, but feels damn empty.
when i'm not doing anything, it's worse.

sigh. should i start a poll for fun?
Check into a motel room, dim the lights, drown yourself with Jack Daniels, light up your cheap cigarette, take out your old beat-up guitar, and with a sorrowful voice.....you sing the BLUES.

Sad to hear about that bro but life have to move on & i know its kinda hard to release those feelings in your innerself. You can try talk to your best friend about it. For me, i go jam with my band & go crazy!!! Sometime those anger in you might come up with a good riff ^^. Just kidding bro... :)
Heartbroken ain't easy but you will feel better if u let your emotions out don't bottled it up. Don't worry la! You will always find someone or somethings better!
I have no heart to break.

You just proved that by posting that.

I would grow my just-broke-up beard and feel miserable and indulge myself in food/DotA. I know it's easier said than done, but we have to move on mate. All the best with your future bro.