What were you doing when you were 6 or 7?


When my mom was cleaning up like early this year, she found a set of the teletubbies dolls....i realize how freakish looking they were. well,i was in primary one when i got those...
lol six years old. everytime come home from kindergarden watch Garfield and nap a while. wake up dinner watch all the drama serials then go to sleep again.

shiok life. still can play playground also.

but yeah i wished i learnt guitar a little sooner too ahah
Anyone Remembers The Educational Film That Was Shown Early In The Morning? I Still Remember The Theme. The Intro Shows A Blue Background With An Orange Or White Logo In The Middle, Something Curriculum.

YESYES!! I RUV THAT SHOW!! its was at Prime 12. wowwww... one of my fav shows man.
lol, when i was 7 i was busy practicing piano...

hack, regretted nt praticing hard enough now,
although gt grade 8 cert the examiner told me i wasn't matured in my playing, damn


nah. actually was playing around so much i always get scolded and punished.
worst punishment ever was to stand in one corner and face the wall, while the rest of the family watched tv.
eh its a guy ah> then why use a female DP? haha.

eh my favourite cartoon then was transformers and wild catz. and theres mask riders. the old school ones are the best. not to mention biker mice from mars adn ultraman
The only thing I can remember vividly was watching a sci-fi thriller television series called 'V' (YouTube - V the 80's television series) where they pretended to eat live mice by hanging them poor white mice by the end tail, over their gaping mouths.

And oh, my favourite television series was 'Manimal' (YouTube - Manimal (panther transformation sequence)), where this guy could transform into animals right there and then. After that he will turn back into a human, with his pants still on him. GO FIGURE. :confused:

Me and my cousins were always fighting over M.A.S.K. toys and Western Bar.

You can guess how old I am then.


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6...saw my dad played electric bass... 6.5 yrs went to listen to african and jazz songs... 7 researched on wat the hell drums ah....7.5 yrs went to jamming studio with my dad see a drumset face to face....

initially i imagine my dad's bass as a monster with many special powers cos can produce sound...so whenever my dad start t play it i will go and change into my ultraman costume and irritate my dad...hahaha so pretend pretend i'm fighting the bass(monster) and the sound(special powers) hahaha:mrgreen:
I was 7 years old when I first met fellow softie aquanaut. I crashed & smashed his BMX bike! We generally caused chaos and mayhem in our neighbourhood being naughty (not trouble makers - just plain mischievious). :mrgreen: