when i was seven, i thought the acoustic guitar was a 'sampan'(boat)
so i sat on it, leaning forward, holding both hands on the neck.
pushing myself forward with my feet and pretended to be a pirate,
i got whack by my uncle after that...
having sex
6 or 7...
obsessed with taekwondo.
haha i wish i picked up guitar earlier though
when i was seven, i thought the acoustic guitar was a 'sampan'(boat)
so i sat on it, leaning forward, holding both hands on the neck.
pushing myself forward with my feet and pretended to be a pirate,
i got whack by my uncle after that...
when i was 6, i wondered "what is guitar?" i still wonder the same question.
You sound like you still ARE six.
You sound like you still ARE six.
Same here, was very very into taekwondo, then got into quite a few fights in my pri 6 days LOL.