What to train now?


New member
I have learn basic chords...

Barred chord too....

So can anyone share what did they do after this? Cause I am puzzled(Sorry for asking lots of question in this forum @_@)
Do you want to be a lead or rhythm guitarist? Nevertheless, the next step is to learn and master scales. A few useful ones would be the Blues-rock scale, Minor pentatonic, Major pentatonic, Upper Extension, Lower extension, and five positions. Master the scales and learn a few licks and you're on your way to become a lead guitarist! :)
you might want to study a bit of theory too! it'll help settle you into a strong foundation and you'll find things easier as you understand more and more :D

theory wise! maybe you could try finding out how chords work together(diatonic chord progression) and how you can build scales (Major or Minor scale formulas) and as the guy above said! learning some licks will surely help you alot in the long run :D
licks are back-up guitar?

Are there any website that teach you all this theory stuff? Cause I got no money for lesson @_@
practice your chords massively, all forms of chords, bass chords, progressions, get used to the feeling of weird chords and progressions. it'll help you get a basic understanding on chords and such. and it never hurts being able to change from one chord to another extremely quick.
make sure your chord progession are smooth.
once you've got that, you can move on to some simple plucking

like 'more than words', 'when you say nothing at all', 'qing tian'
these songs are chords being plucked.

ya, like what the others said, decide if you wana become an acoustic, rhythm or lead guitarist.

for acoustic, learn the different and nice strumming patterns. learn how to do dead notes like in 'smells like teen spirit' or the climax in 'stairway to heaven'

for rhythm, learn the power chords

for lead, learn the guitar tricks like hammering, pull off. learn the pentatonic/blues/major/minor scales
make sure your chord progession are smooth.
once you've got that, you can move on to some simple plucking

like 'more than words', 'when you say nothing at all', 'qing tian'
these songs are chords being plucked.

ya, like what the others said, decide if you wana become an acoustic, rhythm or lead guitarist.

for acoustic, learn the different and nice strumming patterns. learn how to do dead notes like in 'smells like teen spirit' or the climax in 'stairway to heaven'

for rhythm, learn the power chords

for lead, learn the guitar tricks like hammering, pull off. learn the pentatonic/blues/major/minor scales

I have learned all the bold words(Not mastered) but I think just average result.

How to do a pull off and a bend? Cause when I do it, the sound does not come out right.
I think

I think you should learn chords more chords and practice those you know, scales sweep picking and stuff i know practcing after a while the same stuff will get boring but praticing is really good :D
so practice pratice practice
technique wise you should get someone to look at your playing to tell you if you're doing anything wrong. Theory wise, here's a good website. www.cyberfret.com, they cover quite a lot (:

bending wise, one common mistake people do would be that they only use one finger to bend and this method sometimes leads to the finger breaking. It has happened before, so use at least 3 fingers to bend one string, and bending takes a lot of practice, it took me 3 years to learn to bend nicely. hope this helps! :D
Karlie is spot on in advising you to get someone to look at your playing.

It is difficult to give you advice, not being able to hear you.

How good is your barre? Is it consistent?
hey man! i believe gr3y meant to ask you to show a video of yourself playing, perhaps at areas you want help at. This way the more experienced players here in the forum can help point out the mistakes/bad habits you might have made. :D
and don't be shy(if you are that is) cause many of us most probably started out making many mistakes as well, at least I know I did and after a year or so I had to re-train many of my techniques.

it's really not hard and there is not much need to see what my fingers are doing exactly. I'm sure you can hear what i play. If you are 100% dependent on tabs, you can't really improve fast as a guitarist.

Classical players depends on scores for their life and only minority of them can play by hearing(even though they have a listening test somewhere along the grades). Guitarist are supposed to be known for playing something just by hearing or seeing it.

Try figuring out before i actually do any tabs :)

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