What makes a good pedal board?


New member
Hi guys!

I have a few questions here regarding a pedal board.

I tried goggling for these answers but there are far too many different perspectives on the net. That's why, i was wondering if some softies and experienced guitarist can help me out. :)

1) What are the essential few pedals of a board? Chorus, delay and distortion? Lets say for Rock, hard rock.

2) How does a booster works over an overdrive/distortion?

For example; I have a MXR distortion, a booster such as a TS808 will be able to compliment well to boost the sound/tone?

And lastly,

3) Are noise reducers/compressors important?

Hope to learn something from you all so that i will be able to make a good pedal board of my own. :)
a good pedalboard serves ur needs, without anything unnecessary. it all depends on what u use. my friend n i plays hard rock and he needs only a distortion while i have like 6 pedals, well maybe cause im the lead guitarist in the band. oh well, i dont need everything i have, but i want them.

start with something small. along the way, u think u need something, get it. seriously. there's no use for a big pedalboard if u dont need them, or worse u dont know how to use them properly.

booster? volume boost? clean boost? gain boost? treble boost? depends. my booster (a TS type pedal) serves me as either a gain n vol boost for solos or just something nice i stack with (in which i use my EQ to boost for solos).

noise reducers or compressors important? i dont know. firstly, do u know what they do? do u think u need it?
Hi theunknown!

Thanks for replying to me. I think a gain and volume pedal is what i will be looking for like the Tube screamer.

Regarding the compressor, i've heard of several pedals causing hums or extra feedback. Is that the purpose of the need of a compressor? :)

And may i know, which 6 pedals do you use?
Regarding the compressor, i've heard of several pedals causing hums or extra feedback. Is that the purpose of the need of a compressor? :)

the purpose of a compressor can be found simply by googling. but no, its purpose not to reduce hum or feedback. to make things simpler, i'll use slap bass as an example. for slapping, ur thumb slaps the string, and your finger pops the string. the slap is usually softer in volume than the pops. so its not very nice to hear a very loud pop and a softer slap. a compressor makes volume levels equal, so it makes the pop softer, and the slap louder. evening things out. with application to a guitar, it basically evens volume peaks from unconsistant playing. it also gives longer sustain because the compressor makes the trailing note louder.

a noise suppressor is used to get rid of excessive humming or buzzing or whatever undesirable noises. but most of the time the source of these noises can be isolated and solved. for example, interferance from lights, or grounding issues. so i would not recommend a noise suppressor cos it can get rid of sustain in a bad way.
To dudelove, Thanks for the information. Was concern whether i should add one into my pedal board. Looks like i have not much use for it. ;)
really depends on individual.. but dist is a must.. maybe a revb.. delay depends on what song u play and dont forget volume pedal if you too lazy to use guitar's..
lamestaine: because that kind of information can be easily found in the internet. i'm pretty sure he can do that himself.

gates: likewise i want that gain n volume boost too. u can refer to the booster thread in the gear guitar section i started with regards to this.

pedals i use? quite basic pedals. ok its 7 not 6.
vox wah - for wah sounds sometimes i doodle with for fun or sometimes playing kirk hamett style hehe.
biyand od - basically a TS type pedal for solo boost or stacking drive.
G2 dist - like a crunchbox, but higher gain n darker sounding. for some mid to high gain sounds.
beta aivin heavy metal - all out metal assault.
boss eq - solo boost after stacked drive
fab chorus - make my cleans sound fuller
digitech digidelay - my delay needs for some riffs or for solos.
please state ur current pedals. maybe we can help you with what u need.

I have a mxr distortion 3 currently. Looking for a Boss ce-2 and maybe dd-3.

Still have not decided on wah, booster and other sort of effects because i don't think i need them in my current playing state.

Just curious again, why do people have more than one gain pedal? like theunknown.

Do you all stack it to make it sound better? Or it is for different usage when playing live etc; so that you don't have to keep twigging your settings.

Last question for now, if i have lets say the mxr distortion, ce-2 and dd-3. The order i should put them should be amp-Distortion-chorus-delay-guitar?

And many thanks for those who replied too. :)
Just curious again, why do people have more than one gain pedal? like theunknown.

Do you all stack it to make it sound better? Or it is for different usage when playing live etc; so that you don't have to keep twigging your settings.

Last question for now, if i have lets say the mxr distortion, ce-2 and dd-3. The order i should put them should be amp-Distortion-chorus-delay-guitar?

ppl have more than one gain pedal because, one can be overdrive. used for maybe rhythmn work or nice blues or whatever that does not require lots of gain. okay lets say this low gain pedal is an ibanez ts-9

the other gain pedal can be a distortion. for ppl who want high gain tones for maybe stuff like metal or rock. lets say this pedal is a boss ds-1.

and lastly they have a clean boost. which is meant to boost the overall volume of ur guitar, so you dont need to run to ur amp to up the volume. lets say during a solo, u want to be heard above all ur other band members. you hit the switch and u'll be cutting through the band. this pedal can be like a mxr micro amp, zvex superhard on.. whatever.

well lets say i'm playing with the ds-1. and it does not have enough saturation, compression, and maybe u want a tad bit more gain to sound more heavy. the ts-9 thats placed BEFORE the ds-1 will do just that. it boosts the ds-1 in terms of gain. so thats what you call stacking.

lastly, a usual pedalboard goes like this: (there are no hard rules abt this)

guitar -> wah -> compressor -> overdrive -> distortion -> modulation -> delay -> amp

for you, i would get another distortion pedal. the dist III doesnt have enough gain.
gates: yes sometimes stacked drive do sound better. the purpose of each pedal, i have already stated. like i cant have my HM200 doing Oasis n my TS-type pedal doing metallica. if u play one genre with that one sound, its much easier. do browse thru the pedalboard pictures thread's discussions. softies getting new pedals describing them...
To dudelove and theunknown:

Thanks for the info guys! Now i have a bigger picture.

I will certainly get another distortion pedal as soon as i have enough dough. :)
Well, pedalboards look awesome like some awesome thing in awesome land. But make sure you slowly add what you need, instead of adding a bunch of stuff to the point you don't really need some effects and end up leaving them unused. But I would recommend Noise-Suppressers and Compressors if you have alota pedals to reduce the "impurities".
Well, pedalboards look awesome like some awesome thing in awesome land. But make sure you slowly add what you need, instead of adding a bunch of stuff to the point you don't really need some effects and end up leaving them unused. But I would recommend Noise-Suppressers and Compressors if you have alota pedals to reduce the "impurities".

Look at that. I don't intend to get noise suppressors because i heard it's mostly cable and grounding issue. :)

And i will get one by one because of money issue. :(
Guitar player and keyboardist

Hi, Bro.

I have all raw sound unmixed in guitar that i pose at my space.

Normally mend for rock,and please check it out if u like it.

And I had include picture what guitar effect I use. here we go.......

LISTEN to this song in guitar..Jack blues,Caring,Play play and Time passing by.

Thank you.
