what kind of organiser you to work with?

Responsible, reliable, reasonable. RRR.
And it would help if it was someone who could converse in proper english.
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Someone who can work with us, we dont need a perfect organiser, just someone matured/responsible enough to work with us if there are any problems/celebrate with us if the event was a success.
guys!! i want serious reply people!!

do take some considerate when posting replys

im taking this issue kinda seriously...

i don't wana pinpoint anyone but please..im trying to get somthing out of this whole shit
transparency. A good sharing attitude and work ethic. If you want bands to sell tickets for you, be open minded and transparent towards sharing why you need them to sell tickets and this amount in order to cover overheads, rental costs and so on. This way at least bands know that they are working their ass off for something thats honest and in the light rather than for someone who just has every plain intention to rip off their money.

a good organiser should also be well, like the namesake, well-organised, preferable able to communicate well and be prepared in the case of emergencies. Not to mention taking the extra mile and building rapport with the bands. If you are nice, people will be nice to you(at least for most)like the saying goes, ,"do unto others what you would want others to do unto you".
My replies are based on my dealings with event organizers for corporate gigs and club owners so it mite differ slightly from some of the softie gig points.

1. Org who pay cash on the night or cheque 3 days before the gig and give us info on special items or songs they need well ahead in advance.

2. Club owners who pay at least $100 per head per night (cash after performance) wit 3 free drinks for 3 sets on the night.
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i dont agree with fgl on his first point.
i did ever do that before and unfortunately band not professional enough to turn up.
quite a few times actually.
despite contract signed and all.
An organizer who dont sit by the computer and just wait for opinions.

Go out there and make something miracle and be sincere about what you are doing.
A nice and polite organizer is the best.
No money ripping.
Goes an extra mile to help the bands.
Who thinks Music comes first then money.
Who is not scared to loose money.
Who dont << speak>> like< this.>><<<>> :)