You can start first by contributing something first.
If everyone sits around sitting to be spoon fed, i guess we can't go that far.
Ask not what SOFT can do for you but what you can do for SOFT.
You can start first by contributing something first.
If everyone sits around sitting to be spoon fed, i guess we can't go that far.
Ask not what SOFT can do for you but what you can do for SOFT.
I can sense that is what u will be doing in 2007..good for you..while you are at it,,,please rot away also..the faster we get your kind out, the gtter for the SOFT forums.
Dear BiasJames, I was only encouraging people to contribute more but it seems you have taken things too personally.
If I have offended you. I offer my sincere apologies.
It would help if you stop thinking negatively.
AEminic - i think you need some counselling. you are a troubled teen who is confused with your own gender. maybe counselling will help discover your true gender. releasing the tiger OR the tigress in you. :smt064