what is "progressive"?


New member
i've seen this word many times like progressive band/music and stuff, but dont really know what it means :eek:

anyone care to explain?
Progressive music is a genre where a certain song is made up of many many many chord progression or many many many key progession changes which thus the term "progessive". Plus most "progressive" songs r long and have a more technical ability to it. Check out some some of the examples:

Originator of Progressive music:
Beatles - Sgt Pepper's album

Grandaddies of Progressive music:
ELP, Yes, Rush and Genesis

More examples of progressive music into their own sub-genres:
Marilion, Spock's Beard, etc.. - Prog Rock
Dream Theater, Shadow Gallery, etc... - Prog Metal
Opeth - Prog Death/Doom Metal

Plus nowadays there is even more and more sub-genres of prog music eg.
Prog Death Metal, Prog Black Metal, Prog Neo-Classical Metal, Prog Symphonic Metal, Prog Melodic Death, and the list goes on and on...
define progressive

people tend to overuse the word progressive. coz it sounds chim and like some higher level of musicianship. For some, progressive only equals to Dream Theater.

Cavett is a master of progressive music history. Anyone who wants to learn more must consult with Cavett.

Right Cavett?
Re: define progressive

playbyear said:
people tend to overuse the word progressive. coz it sounds chim and like some higher level of musicianship. For some, progressive only equals to Dream Theater.

Cavett is a master of progressive music history. Anyone who wants to learn more must consult with Cavett.

Right Cavett?

As much as I love listenin to prog music and an avid fan of some of the prog bands, I will NEVER EVER consider myself a master of progressive music history. Thats just blasphemy~ :evil:

Yeah Pink Floyd is a worthy mention as well! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
true about that.. many people use "progressive" term to make their music sound chim lol - once i met a guitarist who says his music is progressive - heard it and it was all ballad-y and ambient the whole 3 minutes.. not dissing any of his music(which is oh so nice btw) but he uses the wrong term.. i don't know why - up till today he still says its progressive hehe.. but then again.. who cares? its good music.. :D

Listen to Bach's preludes and Fugues and u can get an idea of progressive :lol: :lol: just that it aint ROck
progressive has nothing at all to do with technicality or how long a song is or how good a player you are. Btw, player /= musician. Progressive is simply not the norm, meaning it is different from the standard music one way or another. Key is creativity. Example of a progressive music is one that is not arrange is any order. Best eg, Dream Theater Metropolis Part 1. Why? because they aren't any verse or bridge or chorus etc in that song? Don't believe it, go listen. Yet, it is still musically flowing.

Another eg of progressive music is where one or more part of the instruments just seems out of place but does not affect the entire part of the song at all . Eg, Fates Warning Monument. That song has all the instrument playing different things, yet it is still musically flowing.

Next eg of progressive music is where the same part of a music is done differently that is sounds different while it is actually the same key/chord/note etc. Eg, Dali's Dilemma Miracles of Yesterday. There is one part in the solo that does that.

There are many more eg where you can categories a music as progressive. In the end, IMO, it has to be melodic. Progressiveness without melody is simply playing hard, not music.
Yo Roy! haha... of all places, we 'meet' here again. I just picked up back this year after a decade of break. Man, bass lines are so hard this days kinda like regret playing back! :D But music is in the blood, can't escape. Just need more practice I guess.

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