What guitars look best on girls?

yeah great kat= ownage man. Anyways you guys should check out Jennifer Batten too (former michael jackson lead guitarist) Her hair is pretty scary but hey its the 80s man. She could certainly outshred many of her male counterparts and she plays her own version of EVH's "Beat It". best thing? she uses an Ibanez S-series like me! :D

ha yeah jennifer is an awesome player too , too bad her hair gt cut off! hardly see anyone whom can tap as well as she does
How about the Dam'm FG guitar?

I was in a shop at woodlands and saw this limited edition squier Hello Kitty electric guitar. Cute guitar! Think the gals might like it.
AIyoh. If it looks good on a guy it will look good on the girl. Besides, if the girl is hot who looks at the guitar anw? :mrgreen:
if its tyra banks playing a gibson double-neck i'll still look at the guitar then on ms banks.
i think an acustic guitar is better, think gibson humming bird and sheryl crow, classy in their own rights!
what would look good?

u know how DEAN guitars always gets this big busted gal with almost no clothes on the pose with the guitar coverin her bits?

if bc rich does that with their see through acrylic series
guitar world = playboy for musicians

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