What guitars for a studio?


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I am planning to set up a semi-commercial studio ie for my own projects mostly but with the option of renting out to public when it´s not in use.

Being a non-guitarist, i would like any suggestions on which guitar (two at the most) i should buy to cover all the bases so to speak. Preferable guitars that are widely used in major recording studios , perhaps ´industry standard´ or not, and with a little bit of drool factor thrown in would be nice. Maybe one vintage and one new. Budget.... I´m not on a very low budget but no silly prices either say 3k max each.
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U could probably go for a high or mid end Ibanez. But since its a recording studio...the chances are that the guitarist will probably bring their own guitar/s
Same for all the other musicians...except the drummer although I do know some people who bring their own drumset.

A Les Paul is always nice although I would be kinda worried leaving such a ex guitar lying around.

PRS would be a good choice as well...especially nowadays...they´re really popular with the younger generations. The SE models around 1k

my opinion: any gibson humbucking guitar & a strat.

1.gibson & fender are both industry std with reference to the humbucking & single coil tone

2.these are no frills guitar, they deliver no nonsense tone & are user friendly.

if you´re talking about electric,since you still dont know what style od music might be played.get a Fender,i get its more versatile.If not a Les paul will do fine.Acoustic wise,get a Taylor!!
Fender, Gibson and Ibanez, 3 of the most popular brands.


if you´ll doing pop style, use little FX and distortion, Blues would be fine as well. Mostly clean stuff. Sound rich! Single coil pickups.

Models: Stratocasters and Telecasters


if you´ll into blues and rock. Sound warm and heavy. Humbuckers.

Models: Les Paul


if you´ll into hard rock and metal. Middle of rich and warmth sounding. 2 Humbuckers and 1 single coil.

There is no such guitar that does all in one!! A lot comes down to what genre your studio based on.
OK i get it. Fender Strats and Gibson Les Pauls are the way to go. I have a work colleague who just bought an original Les Paul from US. Cost him $8000! Not incl shipping and taxes yet. He was so happy.....

I have heard good things about a new breed of guitar , like PRS and another brand i forget the name but hand built n v expensive and used by d new rock bands of the CREED and POD ilk, altho Im not sure if the above use them. Any good?
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Creed and POD uses PRS (Paul Reed Smith)

Actually Gibson and PRS are very similar guitars. After all the owner of PRS used to work at Gibson and co-founded/created the Les Paul.

Subversion could tell u more...after all he owns Gibson...PRS...Fender and Ibanez guitars

Subversion - why do I always have to refer very body to u?????? If ya thinking of donating guitars...I recommand you to this great foundation call Help the "Poor" Beast Foundation


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