What Guitar Do You Have???



Ahh I have an IBanez Musician. Pretty old guitar, over 20 years old and it was given to me by my god-father. :)
Damn heavy and it has built in over-drive.

Haha... I got an ibanez sz320, a red strat copy and an acoustic...

The acoustic have an action too high so I never enjoy playing it... the strat copy tone not solid enough and the nails at the back are sharp and keep poking me... OUCH! And did I mention the neck abit hard to play on...

But! The ibanez is a good guitar and it is so friendly to my hand that I love playing with it... the tone is awesome... Boy now I'm in love with it... even though I can just play a few simple chords...
schecter omen 4 bass

jedson "telebacker" / tele style short scale bass ( damned old)

soon to come :

Fender Japan aerodyne bass
Marleaux Consat Custom 4, Yamaha Attitude-dunno-what 4 string, and a J&D RM-6. I love em all! But...

G.A.S is such an affliction :D

Me want:

Either - Mtd Kingston 5, Musicman SR5 or Ibanez BTB 405QM.
then - Ibanez GWB-1 fretless
and then - Spector Rebop 4
but eventually - Fender Jazz japan, Musicman SR4 maple.

Grrrrrr....Once i get all those fantastic basses, I'll sell everyone of them and leave only TWO!!! :roll: