didn't realised this thread is still alive.
eieio... that is definitely a non floyd two point trem. I used to have an Aria pro which had a trem like that. Another guitar that I used to have with a strange designed 2 point trem was Celebrity electric by Ovation. That time I was not aware of the idea of 'resale value'. I removed the trems and replaced them with TRS101 licensed Floyd Rose. Regretted them for a while and forgotten about them soon after.
That Straycat should stay with its original parts (except maybe the electronics and springs). Use anti-rust lubricant and fine metal bristle brush to brush off the rust. If you seriously want to coat over the exposed areas left by the rust, you can use paint markers, thinner and wet sand to finish.
Thanks for the note. That home page has got to go... I hope to learn some tricks with webpage design... a little busy with work these days. I'll post something soon. have a bad habit of working on projects in parallel. When work in progress, i can have a handful going on at the same time. And when completed, they'll be up around the same time too.