What does an EQ pedal do?


New member
Well....since this is the beginner's section, I might as well ask this question.

Would using an EQ pedal give a boost to your ordinary distortion pedal or must it be modded?

Just wondering? :(
They boost or lower certain frequencies. This can really help shape your tone.
if u want a metal tone u can boost the low freq and lower the mids and boost the highs. many many more settings u can get by constantly tweaking.

yes they can give a volume boost either cutting or increasing 15db. so if u want to get a boost for ur solos an eq would be good.

get one! i'm very very sure u wont regret
if you want a pedal for the sole purpose of boosting your distortion then you might wanna look into a boost pedal or perhaps another drive to boost the gain as well. the eq is used mainly for tone-shaping, to adjust every bit of your sound to nail the tone you're looking for.
An eq pedals boost and cuts certain frequencies. Example, if your distortion unit is too treblish, an eq pedal will help smoothen the high ends.

Depends on what boost you want to your distortion. There are gain and volume boost. For volume boost, you may use an eq pedal with a slider to increase volume.

Through my experience, a stock Boss GE-7 pedal has hissing noise when you boost the treble thus you got to get it modded to remove the hiss.
Most eq pedals are easy to use. Just slide up or slide down the sliders.

You can try the following pedals:
Boss GE-7
Danelectro Fish N Chips (7-Band)
Artec 8-Band EQ
MXR 6-Band EQ
Most eq pedals are easy to use. Just slide up or slide down the sliders.

You can try the following pedals:
Boss GE-7
Danelectro Fish N Chips (7-Band)
Artec 8-Band EQ
MXR 6-Band EQ

What's the difference between 6,7 or 8 band? I'm abit lost. :confused:
MXR 6-Band eq has frequencies from 100 to 3.2K, MXR 6-Band EQ

Whereas, 7-Band eq has frequencies from 100 to 6.4k, just add one more slider for the 6.4k, Boss GE-7.

I don't think I need to explain on the 8-Band eq, hopefully you got it.

The difference is the added frequencies to boost or cut and there's also a slider for volume in the 7 and 8 Bands.
to control the bandwidth of the boost u wan... in simple terms... more bands eg.10 will able u to choose more specific freq u wanna boost or cut...

look at it as mountains.. more bands = narrower bandwidth = steeper mountain ... less bands = wider bandwidth = less steep mountain...

hope my lameness helps.. :X... anyway.. u can google it for the freq... like on guitar ... a boost in 2k-4k give a veri harsh irritating sound to ur tone... so most ppl wont boost tat freq... blah blah blah.. slowly check it out .. if not buy one cheap one and try it out.. its fun :)
yeah bro, go get an EQ pedal. worth it. i use it to boost my overall volume during solos. and switch it off during normal verse and chorus rhythm strumming.
Yup, start saving up. Try out the different pedals and see which one works best for you. We only advise, you decide. :D
Why didn't you get a volume boost pedal(e.g Micro Amp) instead?. :D

didnt know of such a thing leh. been using an eq pedal for boosting volumes. no probs so far.. maybe a bit of unwanted noises here and then when i go too high... Micro Amp? hw much does it cost? where got sell? might go and check it out..
both volume and eq pedal can boost your sound, but i feel that volume just boosts the signal. at least eq can shape your tone a bit better if you do solos after playing rhythm.
i use the Eq pedal after my Drive pedal to shape the overall sound of my guitar both clean and dirty . Scooped mids ! hahah
I see I see.....

That's quite a load to take in! :D

But is there any differences between the artec model and the dan electro model?

And in your set up, if you were using a dist pedal and the eq pedal, which goes first?