What do you think about John Mayer?


New member
What do you think about John Mayer? personally I think he's a great guitar player with a unique funk/pop/blues style. he has good rhythm as well. Was amazed by his performance on the crossroads guitar festival dvd. people tend to associate him as a pop poster boy but i disagree. However i agree that he acts cocky at times :)
I like to think of myself as a blues guitar player and having someone like John Mayer around really bridges the gap between the younger generation that dig his stuff and the more mature crowd who have a feel for the blues. Alot of people put him down especially purists etc and that he's another one of the SRV copies but at least he's got the cajones to come out and do what he likes regardless of critics. Clearly his impact on the younger generation have at least slightly bridged the gap making roots music ever slightly more popular again. Kudos to John Mayer!
I think he is great. He totally blow my mind when I saw he play acoustic version of Neon. I just keep staring on his hand; how the hell he dd that?! Know nothing about his personality though.
I think there was a hoohah made about his use of the n word. He said he had a white supremacist dick.


I don't know what about it. Patti Smith got away with using that word in one of her more famous songs.

John Mayer also said, that being black was about living life to the fullest and not taking anything for granted. And Parry Farrell wrote this in the liner notes to "Ritual De Lo Habitual" - "I used to wish sometimes that I was a black man, I listened to the way black people spoke when they spoke about freedom, justice and human rights. And in the way they spoke, I was sure they were speaking the truth. At the same time there was a faint buzz spreading to all of us the suggestion that the black man was not to be treated equally. For this I envied the black man because it gave him a passion for his living and a cause to die for."

I think sometimes these white folks have a strange attitude towards black guys. Like they want to be taken out of their privileged circumstances for a little while in order to experience the heroism of being trampled underfoot. I'm not saying this is wrong because I don't consider it racist, but I think there's a lack of understanding there.

Well John Mayer is a real weird guy. Somebody once wrote of his "Your Body is a Wonderland": it creeps you out, and you have this image of this pervert leering through a keyhole. I can see how he formed this impression.
I don't really like John Mayer's music, but I can't deny he is a good player. And anyway, everyone has their flaws... And yes, "Your body is a wonderland" does creep me out.
Not a big fan. I think he's way overrated. Don't like his phrasing at all.

Plus his voice is one of those love/hate affairs. I hate it.
One of my favourite guitarists/songwriters - maybe he suits my low level of musicality/musical knowledge/whatever. Particularly admire his rhythmic capabilities. He drew my attention towards bluesy guitar playing, as well as to those other awesome musicians he's gotten to play/jam/make records with. Can't comment on his character but he seems like a witty dude. Different strokes for different folks! :)
One of my favourite guitarists, for his style and rhythm, especially in live performances. Not really into his guitar tone though, just not my kinda sound. I don't really know much about his character, but he is very appreciative towards the fans as far as live performances go.
this is my honest view/opinion of John Mayer:

keep your ears open to what he plays and sings.
shut your ears to his off stage version of 'plays' 'and sings'.