What Bass?


New member
Ok! I just moved over from the guitar section as well, I kinda got interested in bass. So I am gonna buy a bass soon bringing my knowledge of bass with me (which is nothing):-D and so I need HELP!!!

Alright so what is the difference between a
1) Jazz Bass
2)Precision Bass
3) The One That Has Both :confused:

Secondly I was planning to get a Bass that feels good (Just changed this). Any suggestion?
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i don't think squire is meant to compete with other entry level basses. although the quality may not be of fender standard, it gives you something very close to a fender tone.

jazz pickup config offers more versatility, imo. precision pups are fine for those who specifically want the P tone. but for general use it would still be the jazz for me. although i might be biased because i particularly like the jazz tone.

there are many other types of pups such as soapbars, musicman-style pups, etc. but at the entry level, the pickups are not the best in the world so you should take heavier consideration of other factors such as feel, etc. which varies from bass to bass.
agree with shinobi.
entry level basses dont have much variation in tone, cause of the pickups. But the feel is really important. My first bass, Stagg 5 string with jazz pickup config, felt alright while playing sitting down. But once i threw on a strap.. NECK DIVE kicked in.
Well, ibanez has some pretty alright basses that ain't to expensive. And their really nice to play too. slender neck and light too.

well try and find out yourself. its all personal preferences. i prefer MM style pups wired in series ;p