What Bass strap?


New member
hey guys.. need opinion on what bass strap to use.. i'm using a musicman sub 5 bass.. its very heavy.. any recomendation on what bass strap should i use to release the tension on my shoulders?? if you could tell me where to get it as well would be good!! thks..
Sadowsky Strap. TYMusic.

I concur for Sadowsky Strap. i have one and its comfy. Another option is to go for MONO strap. Citymusic is having a sale and these go discounted at between $39-$42. I just bought a suede one @ $42 and its as comfy too as compared to the Sadowsky i have.
Sadowsky strap is super comfy but not sticky at the bottom, so your bass may slip downwards if it neckdives.

Moody is expensive but good, for a cheaper alternative, check out italiastraps.com
I'm also using planetwaves as this is reasonable cheaper the the rest but still has the features I want (leather, wide, durable). I gues anything is ok but widerstraps + padding makes it more comfortable playing longer.

Bro...just give him the strap u got at the JANEK's MasterClass....hehe
I think u noe what i mean....

I use a Comfort strap that Cherns used to carry. Too bad no more; but those that he carries now is not bad too.