What are your expectations when recruiting new band members?

big tits perky ass
HELL YEAH :twisted:

in an imperfect world, at least one of two criteria should be met

1. got skill, even though he looks like crap and owns shit gear. no attitude problem

2. no skill, but he looks the part and has all sorts of cool gear. no attitude problem

and then there are exceptions to the rule:

2M. no skill, no gear, no looks, but he is freaking hilarious to have around
2F. big tits perky ass
have the same objectives in mind,and do not play music for any other reasons except for passion and the love of it...and not so ambtious..not that being ambitious is bad....i mean as in have shit done for the band and is dreaming of a gibson endorsement
3 Simple things

Dedication, dont have dont play lah

Open minded, you wanna play your shit can....let us play our shit too

Mutual respect, dont insult the other musician just cos he plays lousier than you

Basically a PROFESSIONAL musician
must talk.
cannot be afraid to err. must be ready to mess up and laugh about it, and then try harder.
kinda awkward when someone makes a mistake and then shows a negative attitude for rest of the jam.
hahahah it doesnt hurt to have a hot and TALENTED girl in the band

but i feel that if two ppl in the band are in a relationship; complications might arise in the future

what exactly do you mean by that? it could be misinterpreted so you might want to clarify =)