Whammy Noob

if u felt tht i am.. i can only apologise shred. but i got this feeling not jus from this 2 threads. i wont deny tht the fact tht there are pple out there tht has helped. that as a matter of fact, i support it. but u cant deny the fact tht, this kinda thread has nt been ard, in fact i personally feel tht theres more of this kinda thread than those whu are rather productive... i am jus giving my few cents worth of opinion. cuz this is wat i see each day when i come into the forum and see wats happening.and if u realised i seldom post. the whole purpose of me posting these replies.. is wat i believe, and i hope i am right. tht is to help each and every other musician whether they are jus starting out or they are a seasoned player in their music, in areas tht they can work on and improve. to do all tht we all hoped tht we can have a place where positive critism is given. or i would say, a place where pple feel tht this forum has the positive vibe to help one improve. dun u agree tht with all this going on, theres practically nothing but musicians whu fear to really showcase their works, and later on get flamed?. yup juz sharing a piece of my mind, cuz like u and i, we all hope to see the scene here flourish. but of cuz daniel, like i have said again. i am nt here to pinpoint or accuse of anyone.. and i hope tht u guys can understand. once again if i have offended anyone.. i apologise.. i dun expect everyone to come from where i come from. i only hope u guys see the picture or an idea of what i am mentioning abt. cheers. Rock "n" Roll guys. make more music.!
Instead of always saying in words how lousy or how to improve or those whatnots, why not adopt the "post a soundclip reply". If any individual feel that in his own opinion that the poster of a particular soundclip isn't up to mark, post a soundclip of your own in reply to his and let the majority of the people round here make a judgement.

Afterall, if anyone can give comments about how poorly or unoriginal someone plays, I am sure the person who says that would think he is a better player. Unless of cos those kind of people belong to the category of people who always go to a football or basketball match and say that those shots are something even his grandma can make when in actual fact if I put you in the field, you can't do nuts.
no need to fight already ... i understand what shredcow is trying to say and thats done.. i dont know how to do it the way he does it but ill try to learn more things.. what is certain though my presence in here have caused much trouble for you guys so this is my last post for you peeeps.. good luck with pursuing your music careers. for those who wanna reach me, add me on my msn.. thanks and god bless \m/

Take it easy Dhalif, shit/accidents happen if they said that wasnt your best ..leave it behind work on other stuff, but i do feel this post of yours yeah it sounded abit monotonous(bah did i spell that right? rofl) BUT all guitarists do the same mistake..well its more like a habit...dont believe me? e.g yngwei malmsteen.. tell me how many repeated scales he did for the whole 10 albums? and don't tell me ud say im wrong if i say "oh yeah yngwie sounded abit boring after 3rd track because of his monotonous scales n stuff lol well thats his trademark and im pretty sure u have yours too ..again MUSIC is too subjective to comment but of course ..like singing if u cant sing no matter what... people will still say u cant sing coz u dont have the talent ...but for this case its diff we all know ure very talented ...keep it up

oi lif dont leave ley! you never come the channel oredi then now leave the forum also.. next msn ah?
Keep it cool man. I probably might want to chat with Softies at msn. Really like your guitar skills. Very captivating I must say.... :wink: