Whammy Noob

1 question - how the hell did u nail all that, with a dislocated left thumb?

if this was a practice take, recovery comeback sure is bright.
not as good as your previous work man...dunno whaddup... :lol: d
islocated thumb or no...sadly there aint no handicapped section...this clip woulda prolly kicked major butt there :lol: i know i cant hold a note without a thumb :wink:
nah its not bout my thumb.. i just saw my whammy bar lying around so i guess i put it on and play something...
bro dhalif..this piece does sound a lil "generic"....as in..when i listen to it..i go.."i tink i heard similar stuff elsewhere"...

have definitely heard much better from you.. :D
Personally, I'd say that was nice improvising and rather refreshing to hear the guy use the whammy - something rare because with such an evil vibrato he can say goodbye to the whammy anytime...!
i must admit..i love his vibratos..wide and fast..

basically cos i cant do wide and fast vibratos. :lol:
Good job on this man.....I understand it is gonna be hard on you for some time to cope with that thumb(I had my fair share with a dislocated pinkie).Keep working on it dude.
Not bad stuff....sumthing when i listen to, i'll straight away know that it's dhalif on the guitar which is gd in a way that it has become your signature. And i have yet to listen to any s'porean guitarist that plays the same style as u do.

Anyway juz take the critics in a way tat we all love u and are trying to make u a better guitarist nationwide ok bro.... :)
so far, 70% of the replies on this thread have been flaming.
i think we should stick to the fact that we're here to comment on dhalif's playing, not flame the hell outta each other.

that is, unless the flaming parties take open mic as an open mic for your to vent your frustrations?? if so, do a recording of your frustrations and post it here.

cheers! :)
Take the Les Paul forum open mic area:


A member would contribute his track, and you would be hard pressed, in fact its impossible to find, another guy calling the guy out on his chops, technique etc.

Why? Because they have an innate respect for one another, even though each of them exists behind a wall in cyberspace.

Sure, you will get people who disagree and comment on how they don't like the music, but they don't go out of their way to do it with sarcasm or cynicism. Over and over again.

And they definitely don't hide behind the righteous banner of "I'm highlighting your failure but I'm only really doing this so you can improve as a player"

Instead, they are supportive, kind and somehow just understand implicitly that they have a duty to post responsibly.

Hell, telling a guy he rocks does him more good than telling him he sucks.

There just isn't any respect on this forum. Too many kids, too many snob bedroom players, a few jealous seethers, way too many people who think they are the be-all-end-all of guitar playing, many who any think they are the best thing since sliced bread.

When a player of quality shows up, people panic. Very typical. He can't be one of us, let's get 'im!!

And I have to say that the people who run this forum do a poor job of moderation. I suspect the regular posters know each other personally and are allowed to run rampant, taking over entire threads going back and forth with their banter.

Sad to say, this is typical of a Singapore forum. Childish, and inessential.
bopakeh wrote:

"Comments on OM are practically pointless anyway."

That is, oh, so very true.

Someone posts something on OM, either you like it, hate it or remain neutral. If one is gonna comment, well.... so be it. The possible scenerios:

1. If one comments and say something NICE - that is OK.

2. If one gives constructive comments - There are going to be different opinions on the comment, flaming, arguments, etc..... (totally a waste of time. People - better go practice on your instrument!)

3. If one gives honest comments - There will still be different views on that comment. #2 still applies!

My suggestion is to let everyone rate the OMs +1, 0 or -1 instead of 'giving comments'.

Peace everyone!

Yeah, cow was giving HIS opinion on dhalif's piece and that's all. Others disagree and get irritated and start slamming him and HIS opinion. Then a forum war erupts.

I mean, wtf.... a totally bloody waste of time, correct?
this is cute. all i can say is our music scene is not going to get any better with all this happening. and our local forum is really not helping. and bluepowder... not targetting u or anything.. but i find ur post rather contradicting. cuz u state tht dhalif dun even have the reactions tht others haf( which is true cuz i think he cant be bothered cuz he noes this is how this forum is like) but others are feeling the pinch, with this in mind, den why are u giving those comments? cuz it seems like u are feeling the pinch when pple are giving their comments abt shred?(AGAIN, i am not targetting anyone, if u guys felt offended i apologise) jus pointing this out so u see wat i see in wat u have mentioned. cuz ly u said they are free to speak their mind. but yeaps... no siding anyone... but lif.. u noe this is not ur best.. but theres's potential in u and pple are hoping to hear more from u... so i suggest u keep it up!! rock n roll..
:lol: post one way, your wrong, post the other your also wrong... waste time only! :lol:

Nomis, you have no idea how many people have been helped thru this forum... try not to jump to conclusions because of the 2 threads recently. ;)

I'll try to put it forth nicely this time.

Dhalif, this isn't your best take. In fact, this is one of the more poor representations of your playing, regardless of broken thumb or not.

If it were abt how good one can play due to their "disabilities" then this guy would just pwn us all:

I urge you to look away from the pentatonics (unless you can do it like Marty Friedman) because in this piece, you really just run up and down the scale. Agreed? No? Yes? The notes in the music speaks for itself.

Plus, the backing track is just a simple one, no dramatic chord changes nothing... That and playing that way? Its quite the recipe for a boring shredfest.

Prodigious skill - Check.
Good vibrato - Check.
Originality - very very low.

Peppering the pentatonics with chromatics, exactly what you do here, sounds like you just use it to play faster. On the other hand, if Marty can pepper his pentatonic solos with chromatics but sound so fresh and distinct... you're the monster player here, you can figure it out with ease.

Now, its good for new-commers to take note of some history.

I recall tracks you have done years back. Apart from the mistakes in this track (due to the thumb), you essentially sound the same (nothing wrong), play the same way (nothing wrong) and that's it... its a carbon copy. (Malmsteen? Anyone?)
And that would be the "main" issue - there has been little progression, no diversity.
How big is "main"? Malmsteen still thinks he is hot as hell, suits him to a T no?

Like what Paulo mentioned to me, you should look up some flamenco or jazz standard to just put the small circle you are in, push it a little wider.

There. That's it. My honest, un-condescendingly frank opinion presented in a non-flame-worthy manner.

Its all up to you. If your mindset has changed from before then I say good for you - you'll make it far. Otherwise... go to youtube, Singapore is just a dot in the world - its going to be harder to make your mark.
now, that's a nice post there shredcow......sure beats the others you've typed :D see? it sounds better that way doesn't it? get's your point across, without inviting flames or furious retorts.