Welcome to the Slaughterhouse Massacre Part 2, 27/12/08

Organiser what are slots of the bands? We oughta know...

sorry dude, we cant reveal all the bands slots bro, cause its an agreement we make with the rest of the team, but for sure, opening band will be draconis infernum, our guest band mephisto will be 2nd last and our headliner Nafrat will be the band to close this year slaughterhouse=) this three are the only one that we are allow to reveal the slot. but for the bands timing we cant reveal that. do come down aight=)sorry for not revealing anymore detail regarding the bands slot=)
No i dont.I wish I do have one. I suck big time with instruments. Except for the recorder picked up during primary school.Haha

i will have to come early to see how draconis infernum play live after ripping off 1349 demo sounds into their first ep.. hmm.. lol.. wah must stay until last band.. comrades of hell,Nafrat.. must support braders.. woot~ the rest of the bands are still a must watch.. ok lets enjoy the gig.. achtung!
i will have to come early to see how draconis infernum play live after ripping off 1349 demo sounds into their first ep.. hmm.. lol.. wah must stay until last band.. comrades of hell,Nafrat.. must support braders.. woot~ the rest of the bands are still a must watch.. ok lets enjoy the gig.. achtung!

YEAH YEAH!! I am staying from Draconis all the way till Nafrat too man..all the bands are a MUST WATCH. :twisted: Full massacre lineup :twisted: :razz:
Throwing somebody in the pit on their birthday is not advisable. Plus letting the entire crowd know is alot more worst. The last time I saw that happened was at I.J. The birthday boy eventually broke a tooth. Haha.
Throwing somebody in the pit on their birthday is not advisable. Plus letting the entire crowd know is alot more worst. The last time I saw that happened was at I.J. The birthday boy eventually broke a tooth. Haha.

not only a tooth bro, remember the time when somebody bday was announce during one of those gig, he was put in the centre and Black label was played, man that kid went home with a bruise head and a torn shirt, half naked taking the train and i believe he is one of our friends, that was like 2006 Aggression Pls!! Gig! and for the nose case, someone broke their nose back in i.j during a gig cal punkrock vs metal=) that was damn freaky! ambulance was there, blood was everywhere on the floor..sick=)
The broken nose and tooth is probably the same person. The one with the shirt torn is probably a different person. And yes, more reason to keep your birthday a hush hush during gigs. Cause there will be a price to pay. I'm sure of it.
The broken nose and tooth is probably the same person. The one with the shirt torn is probably a different person. And yes, more reason to keep your birthday a hush hush during gigs. Cause there will be a price to pay. I'm sure of it.

so if you know its your birthday, and you know that your friends know about it, get ready, bring extra shirts, extra pants, extra briefs, extra spectacles and bla bla bla...haha:twisted:
guys hell is coming, be prepare aight=) bring your fist and your legs to this gig, dont forget to pogo, strut, mosh, circle heabang,circle pit, hardcore dance, stage dive, body surf, push and shove, bite, eat, drink, get laid, get lost, get angry, get bloody, get punch, get kick and all those wonderful stuff.. whatever it is, take care of each other in the pit, remember to have fun aight!!
So far most of it got kena already cept for getting bite and getting laid.

i was once bitten in a gig back at subsi last time, cant remember by who, but was moshing so cant really notice, luckily it didnt left a scar on me, bro i tink you should get laid, its important to get laid man=)haahaha