dude i like your question, let me answer that for you..as you might see 5 of the bands here are from last year lineup and also from last year team shm members while the other 7 is all new bands, the reason we call back the previous 4 is this, for vulgate dogmas and helmskey last year they perform at the very end of the slot and pity them, not many people stay for their band, even worst is that they dont even have any pictures of them taken during their performance(i dunno if there any but if there is can anybody pass it to me so i could show you guys what i mean) and throughout tis year they dont even received any slot for a gig to even showcase their talent..thats why team shm call them back, then for death defyerz and eris, we call them back cause we want the crowd to see how they have change their music and how the previous shm 07 change their life, cause no matter what, we do need some of the players from last year and we decided on eris and death defyerz.also they are the originals team shm members=)
Bro as you can see, its not all about last year lineup, we got draconis infernum for opening act and our guest band this year is nafrat and mephisto(which is really a new band full of energy and balls), plus we got this new bands like demise, plus elegy for euliza which are really a goo band and has some great composition too and not forgetting shadows embrace which cant make it for last year gig due to ns commitment and other band problems. Its not about why in the 1st place we pick new or old bands. frankly tis year, its super hard for us to pick the lineup, cause there are tons of good metal bands to choose from and it is giving us a headache. anyway i hope i have at least ans your question=) gdluck on your gig k bro, there are some sick bands there man!!=)
i hear ya dude! thanks for answering my question! cheers!!![]()
It's Tribalcast not tribal cast. Hahaha. You're the second person who's doing that to my nickname. Why?!? I'm working as a night-shift security now, so I'll be very awake during this time of the hour. Anyways I should ask you the same question.
haha no wonder, night owl la now, eh if saw Cik kak say i sent my regards!!( the woman with long hair and dress in white and love to laugh for no reason)
sial ah better don hope for it man..haha..
can imagine every single one u juz finish moshin' at gigs late at nite, go back hm to ur secluded neighbourhood while waiting for da lift to elevate down, den ur surroundings is dead silence, da door open juz bout to go in da lift suddenly u smell frangipanni and hear a faint whisper calling out ur name from da back..goosebumps taking all over u..
wah lao freaky sia..if u watch alot of WUJUD u'll noe wat i mean ah hehe..
eh my hse area here quite freaky at nite le..
Then like that you have to listen to a band called Accidents Only Happens At Night
hei that band, i think i know their music, ever listen to their music from my nephew.=)
Somehow I'm having trouble finding that band's myspace. Starting to wonder if they actually have a myspace account. Talking about myspace accounts, bro do know the link for Demise?
hei dude no worries, haha as long as u bring mp3 and on it very2 loud while going home at night then i guess you wont be hearing it calls la, but to bad la still have eyes so still can see the thing la except its in mute form=)hahehehe by the way yup wujud is something to be freak out next to entity=)
hei kevin thanks for the compliment, we really appreciate it and ya do keep supporting the local scene, its not easy for us local musicians especially underground metal musicians to get themselves notice and for some of the bands here that is performing on the 27th, they have frankly been around for a very2 long time, its just that some of the bands here doesnt get the respect and notice that they deserved, so lets support each other aight, cause we need the support of our homies 1st before we can even be like impiety or rudra=)
For screamevents gdluck aight guys!! tc and keep the spirit of music alive=)