Welcome to the Slaughterhouse Massacre Part 2, 27/12/08

Yeah bro. Eris sounds good. Groovy stuff.Saw them at last year's. And I can't wait for Nafrat to blow my brains out..:twisted:
hei kevin thanks for the support and linus how is your band doin man?=) anyway yup eris is some band to look forward to. So does the great nafrat. also do check shiv from lepak another band, Mephisto www.myspace.com/mephisto, very brutal to=)
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haha hey bro thanks man! DO CHECK OUT ALL THE BANDS ON THAT, Its gonna be one hell of a sick gig. We(mephisto) are excited on opening for nafrat :)
Some info, Mephisto will be playing full line up, with me on vocals :) So do come check all the awesome bands on that day! Keep this thread alive Mofos!
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Yeah obscurephionix. Its good to see more metal bands these days.Metal is spreading fast in Singapore. Lepak i saw you guys at the Defiled gig. You guys are talented. Obscure phionix song on myspace is well-written. Keep it up! I'm pretty stoked about this. Hope these bands stay in the scene and people support them. We too have our own great acts. Look at Nafrat, I never knew a Singaporean band can play at such high speeds and with technicality like the ang mohs...Asians are not pussy!
screamevents wishes everyone
a huge blast for this gig

keep metal alive!

all the best everyone,do spent alittle time support Metal fest too !

take care
stay in good health
hei kevin thanks for the compliment, we really appreciate it and ya do keep supporting the local scene, its not easy for us local musicians especially underground metal musicians to get themselves notice and for some of the bands here that is performing on the 27th, they have frankly been around for a very2 long time, its just that some of the bands here doesnt get the respect and notice that they deserved, so lets support each other aight, cause we need the support of our homies 1st before we can even be like impiety or rudra=)

For screamevents gdluck aight guys!! tc and keep the spirit of music alive=)
hei guys thanks for taking an interest of this gig aight!! hehe by the way thanks lordie for the comment, there is frankly 2 version of it, the 1 that we put up here is done by our very own guitarist Qhai who is now at taiwan undergoing national slavery and the other version you can check at this myspace of our friends myspace.com/vulgatedogmas, its done by faizal_mace from helmskey.
Hi Guys! As the slaughtering day is drawing closer...we will put up some of the band pics from SHM 2K7.

The photos were taken from the respective band's myspace.

We are going to start with EVER RAGE I SEEK




Band: Draconis Infernum
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/draconisinfernum

Previously known as Nihilistic Hate, Draconis Infernum was formed by Xeper in late 2005 in Singapore. Currently, it comprises of guitarists Xeper & Niloc, vocalist Kount Cider and drummer Seberuz Hammerfrost. The band went through several line-up changes prior to the current one in the early years, and has been rehearsing since its inception.

In December 2007, the band finally entered the studio to record their debut release, entitled "Death in My Veins". It has since been released this year (April 2008) and is limited to only 500 copies. This release would be available in Finland through Hammer of Hate, and in Germany through Twilight Vertrieb.

As of present, the band is focusing on new materials for upcoming releases in the next couple of years to come as well as trying to play several live shows in other countries. Draconis Infernum is now managed by Inokii records, for booking details and enquiries please send to: inokii@gmail.com

To purchase Draconis Infernum's "Death In My Veins", get in contact through myspace or at draconisinfernum@hotmail.com

Band: Every Rage I Seek
MySpace: http://www.myspace.com/everyrageiseek

ERIS! is a band from sunny South East Asia Singapore.
The band has been around for 3 years with multiple line up changes.
We have recently self-released our first production,
"Your Death Warrant Is In Effect EP".
We dont belong to any groups or stables or crews
and yet it feels so good.
So say no to segregations!


Video Links:

Vs The Condemned - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Jnm_3oAsDQ
Iconoclast - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqQ6A8YfHyQ
An Eclipse Of A New Era - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=em4WFaFufKY
Beauty Is Skin Deep - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ccFgyWj1qB8
Ares - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QULDSAa_xgs
Sweet Revenge - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBr_XcYpthw
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Band: Helmskey
Myspace: http://www.myspace.com/helmskey

Helmskey is a 5-piece blackened metal unit formed in 2000. From the ashes of Droneoath, Kafan, Machine X, Teoleh & other projects. We take all forms of extreme music and amalgamate into our own. The band started working with Szha on vocals as of December 2005. Ivni left us in June 2007 to pursue personal endeavors. Thrash to live and thrash till its black! For infos contact us at the mail below or leave us a message.

Band Contact : helmskey@gmail.com


Current Releases:

"Rise of The Eastern Blood" Comp Cd
Year released : 2007
Available at http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vZGVtb25zdGVhbGVycmVjb3Jkcy5jb20vYWJvdXQ=

"Misere Nobis" Demo/E.P
Year released : 2005
’Misere Nobis’ is also available at http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LmludGVycHVuay5jb20vaXRlbS5jZm0/SXRlbT02NTI4OSY=

"Blade Of Treachery" Promo/Demo
Year released : 2001

Video Links:

Black Disharmonium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lo5ku_kexf0
Blade Of Treachery: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Udcsewedr5Y
To Rise And Fall Again - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dwp5qr_WlgM
Journey Of No Return - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOr8WvjTJVQ

Helmskey in the studio back in 2006:
my question is.. how come some of the bands are performing again? im not causing any trouble whatsoever but im just curious thats all.. i think newer bands deserve a chance? what say you? sorry dude i just gotta ask this. it kinda bothers me. i meant no harm, just an honest question. :confused:
my question is.. how come some of the bands are performing again? im not causing any trouble whatsoever but im just curious thats all.. i think newer bands deserve a chance? what say you? sorry dude i just gotta ask this. it kinda bothers me. i meant no harm, just an honest question. :confused:

dude i like your question, let me answer that for you..as you might see 5 of the bands here are from last year lineup and also from last year team shm members while the other 7 is all new bands, the reason we call back the previous 4 is this, for vulgate dogmas and helmskey last year they perform at the very end of the slot and pity them, not many people stay for their band, even worst is that they dont even have any pictures of them taken during their performance(i dunno if there any but if there is can anybody pass it to me so i could show you guys what i mean) and throughout tis year they dont even received any slot for a gig to even showcase their talent..thats why team shm call them back, then for death defyerz and eris, we call them back cause we want the crowd to see how they have change their music and how the previous shm 07 change their life, cause no matter what, we do need some of the players from last year and we decided on eris and death defyerz. :-) also they are the originals team shm members=)

Bro as you can see, its not all about last year lineup, we got draconis infernum for opening act and our guest band this year is nafrat and mephisto(which is really a new band full of energy and balls), plus we got this new bands like demise, plus elegy for euliza which are really a goo band and has some great composition too and not forgetting shadows embrace which cant make it for last year gig due to ns commitment and other band problems. Its not about why in the 1st place we pick new or old bands. frankly tis year, its super hard for us to pick the lineup, cause there are tons of good metal bands to choose from and it is giving us a headache. anyway i hope i have at least ans your question=) gdluck on your gig k bro, there are some sick bands there man!!=)